On the road …again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek A Talk Story to a 2 nd Grade Spanish Class Sharing ideas with children is an important part of their formative education. So is showing them things that are all around us; and teaching...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Beautiful Earth, One Slide At A Time A beautiful place, but don't ask where (one of 70 slides in a Power-Point presentation file [ Rare-et-magnifique---.pps ] One of the problems in making our stories...
Keith received approval to enter graduate studies at the University of Illnois! It really was going to happen! We borrowed a farm truck from my brother, Richard Tice, and loaded it full with our belongings. It reminded me of 'Ma and Pa Kettle" - even complete with a washtub...
Acer rubrum To Zyzyphus jujuba Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Chemistry Is Hard The urge to air out old memories often reaches a level high enough to prompt another self-punishing chronicle by the Footloose Forester . This one might belong in...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek What’s the Address of the Devil’s Tower? Most young adults these days know enough about GPS technology to find a street address in a strange city by just looking it up on a smartphone, an...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek The Baby and the Bathwater The continuously improving technologies of digital coding and wireless communications via computer have opened up opportunities for individuals that most of us do not fully appreciate. As the innovators, techies,...
The demographic tsunami of baby-boomers is breaking on our shores and will soon swamp the elder care industry. The flotsam left in the wake of this phenomenon is an exponential increase in cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s. While there is no cure as yet, Reminiscence Therapy (RT) can...
PROJECT LOGOS Use these logos on your website, business cards or marketing collateral. Be sure not to use them in a way as there would be any confusion that you are not an employee of LegacyStories, I-ASK or the Living Legacy Project, etc. - LEGACYSTORIES.ORG TRANSPARENT - LEGACYSTORIES.ORG WHITE BACKGROUND - ...
Why Legacy Talks came into being: A survey of Baby Boomers and their parents, conducted by the Allianz American Legacy Study, were asked to rank their priorities when it comes to passing down an inheritance. Despite the perceived importance these generations place on leaving a legacy, only a small fraction has...
It all started when we were faced with making room for my son and his family to visit for Thanksgiving. My husband brought out four boxes of unsorted photos and said, “This is your job.” Yikes! I knew better than to start the sorting process with company coming, but cleaning up...
On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek b2_ap3_thumbnail_are you there? b2_ap3_thumbnail_ come in, thumbnail_! If you have a story to tell, but you don’t seem to have an interesting way to start, try to kick start it by seeking out an...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Who Are Graduates Of The School Of Hard Knocks? All too often conversations about who had (has) it rough in life devolve into unstated debates wherein speakers subconsciously fish for words to express their plight. ...
On the road… again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek The Desperation of River Blindness Some chronicles of the Footloose Forester are brewed during dreams. This one escaped from a daydream. It will be a sad story, but one that should be shared. It...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Rain Shadows and Rain Forests On the one hand, you have those who believe in global warming; and on the other side of the divide are those who are currently labeled as climate change deniers. ...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Legacy Of The Land If you are not making many mistakes, you are not being very creative. Now, that is a stinging indictment…to the reader, whomever that is, and from the writer…whomever that was. ...
In a Debate, Make Distinctions About Opinions, Evidence, Data, Facts and Proof [RE-PRINTED FROM A CAREER DAY HANDOUT] West Allegheny Senior High School, Imperial, Pennsylvania Whether talking about politics, the state of the American economy, or global warming, it is imperative that we distinguish between our personal opinions and the...
Hints About How Google Earth Brings The World To Your Computer (E-Mail Notes To A Friend) By DikDik Pellek Dear John, On the stimulus of a single beer, I am entering into an ethereal high. So, let me proceed.... Google Earth is so powerful that I have been able to revisit...
LEGACY LESSON: YOUR EPITAPH Hi Everyone, Very few people ever write their own epitaph. Yet an epitaph is often the only way will be remembered beyond a birth and death date. An epitaph can be the single life statement that entices future generations to learn more about you, much like a...
DIGITAL TIME CAPSULES Everything you need to sell these innovative Digital Time Capsules can be learned in the videos below. View each in sequence from top to bottom. OVERVIEW WEBINAR RECORDING SIGNING UP SELECTING A TRUSTEE BENEFICIARIES LOADING A TIME CAPSULE
Opportunities Resource Library In this library you will find previeously recorded webinars with a focus on opportunities to generate income for as a result of new strategic partnerships, website enhancements, new product development and programs. The majority of these webinars become quickly outdated and are not recorded. Some are converted into...