Along the Elizabeth River waterfront on the southwest corner of Town Point Park in Norfolk, Virginia, is the Armed Forces Memorial that features 20 letters written home by U.S. soldiers and sailors who died serving their country from the Revolutionary War up to and including the Gulf wars. The letters appear...
Famous people get all the adoration and recognition. But Peanuts creator, Charles Schultz, helps us recognize the real heroes in our lives, whose story should be part of our own legacy. The questions below should inspire you to share a legacy story! Just read the questions to this quiz. You don't...
On the road...again!!! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Communicating on Social Media When I review the number of friends or subscribers that traffic counters on social media sites tell me that I have, it is a bit dismaying to think that...
10 MOTHER'S DAY MEMORY TRIGGERS Mother's Day is the perfect time to write or record a legacy story about your Mom. Here are 10 memory triggers to get you thinking: What saved item mostly fondly reminds you of your mother? Describe one of your mother's unique personality traits. What advice...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Stand Your Grounds (Opinions Count, But Facts Matter) It was an innocent remark. Our house guest suggested that our morning coffee was too strong because we used too many scoops of coffee grounds. We...
Few things in life are more valuable to a family than an elder's life lessons and experiences. Most family members realize this and have every intention of one day taking time to have that special "legacy talk." Unfortunately, because of life's distractions and the convenience of social media, that day rarely...
If you've ever binge-watched a show on Netflix or any of the other platforms, you know how the first episode compels us to watch the next until the end of Season 1. When it comes to telling your life story, why not conceptualize in the same way? After all, you...
Acer rubrum To Zyzyphus jujuba Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Change Your Razor Blade—On Demand Sometimes finding a news story to comment on is not always an obvious topic of interest to everyone. An essay about razor blades is far from...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek An Indelicate Subject Sometimes it takes the stimulus of an ignorant post or meme on the Internet to finally push the Footloose Forester over the edge. As repugnant and as repulsive as the subject matter...
Whether you are a professional caregiver or have finally gotten around to asking an aging relative to share their life stories, be prepared for the unexpected. As enthused as you might be to hear some amazing life experiences, the elder may not be so much. Young people today are living...
Although it is important to sort out and document legacy stories from your past, not all of your defining moments and milestone events happened in your distant past. In fact, you are still making history every single day, mostly being recorded in real time on smart phones, tablets and in social...
Chart courtesy of Allianz American Legacies Pulse Survey There is a huge unmet demand to provide a solution that can marry the client’s values with their valuables. Advisors need to know that their client’s life experience, the lessons learned and hard won wisdom cannot be listed on a balance...
When it comes to binding the generations of the family, heartstrings are stronger than purse strings. I had the opportunity to meet Dennis Stack, one of the co-founders of LegacyStories.Org at our Tri-Annual Retreat in Phoenix. Formed in 2008, Legacy Stories provides values-based legacy education to consumers and professionals....
The Call The call came to me in a beauty salon. I was getting prettied up to go out that night to a concert with my husband, Clay Felker, a magazine editor and publisher and founder of New York Magazine "It's not benign", said the caller. "Not benign?" I...
I have been informed that within the next few days, the Lifetime Membership in I-ASK, and being grandfathered into ALL programs will come to a close for LegacyStories Early Adopters. Your immediate action is requested should you think that you would ever like to have a part-time or full time career...
Steer Toward The Runaway Truck Ramp Seen at the bottom of page 31, Time Magazine issue of 24 March 2014: • Can you make the world better in 140 characters • or less? We asked online luminaries for their best ideas. Tweet your...
Keepers (author anonymous) One day someone's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek If He Could Do It Over Again The trappings of the modern world are so much a part of our daily lives that we seldom contemplate what it must be like in places where there...
SWOT Analysis for Project Planning and Evaluation Given the number of important ventures that have had difficult births, experienced growing pains, have been marred by youthful indiscretions; and eventually grew into mature institutions that we have finally come to accept; it seems prudent that government and project planners should henceforth...
If I Had 3 Wishes As often as I have heard that expression, starting with my childhood, I have never been able to provide an answer. The inquiry is simple and innocuous enough, “what would you ask for, if you had three wishes?” Perhaps it was the recognition that such rhetorical...