This is a tribute to my adopted brother in law that passed away this last year . He lived in East Texas 20 miles from Louisiana and was half Cajun and proud of it . Paul Burch Jr
What is a Coonass? |
There are a few different thoughts as to the orgins of the term coonass as it refers to Louisiana Cajuns. Some have said that it compares the Cajun to the part of the raccoon under the tail being the lowest part of the animal. Others claimed that since a Cajun was lower than a black man, and a black man was refered to as a "coon", then a Cajun would be the coon's ass. Most likely the orgins of the term coonass are from a French word used in the 1940's as a slang for a very stupid person. |
The literal translation of the word CONASSE is the woman's sexual organ. The word was used in slang as: |
In time the French troops in Europe refered to all interpreters, even those not from Louisiana, as a conasse. Other American and British soldiers, not knowing any better, started calling the interpreters the dergatory word they heard as "coonass". |