By Karen Mack on Tuesday, 07 June 2011
Category: Family

Bits & pieces of my life as I remember growing up

Karen Blackham

My Mom with me - 1 month old
I was born in a small town (pop 1,000) in Moroni, Utah, on (Thursday) February 10, 1949 with my twin sister Ruth.    We were the 4th and 5th children in our family of 9 children.


My father is Ernest LaMont Blackham and my mother is Olive Olsen Blackham. I was born in a house that was kind of a hospital and Doctor’s Office.    Dr. Rigby delivered first myself – Karen Blackham .  I weighed 5 lbs. 15 ozs.    My twin sister Ruth was born about 10 minutes later, she weighed 5 lbs. 12 ozs.


My twin, Ruth had problems – the "RH Factor".    My father had O-Positive blood; my mother had O-Negative blood.    So my mother’s antibodies worked against Ruth’s blood because it was foreign to her body.


Dad and Grandma Lucy took Ruth into Salt Lake City to get a blood transfusion on the 2ndday, which was about 110 miles away.      Mom had to stay in the hospital in Moroni (in those days you usually stayed around 10 days in the hospital to recover).   They gave Ruth two blood transfusions but she died getting the 2nd transfusion.

Ruth was born on February 10th, died on the 12th and was buried on the 14th.


Grandma Lucy and Dad purchased a small coffin and clothes for her to be buried in.    The day they buried her, they brought the coffin around to the west window in the house/hospital so mom could see her in the coffin before they took her to the cemetery to bury her.


My mother was afraid of losing me, so she didn’t take me out anywhere.    I was blessed at home in May because whooping cough was going around and my mother didn’t want to take me out to expose me to it.
This is the birth announcement my mother got.  I don't think she ever sent them out because of Ruth passing away.

My Siblings :


John LaMont          07-08-1940      (known as “Johnny Mont” growing up)

Linda Gail              04-23-1943

Theron Oneil          05-05-1945

Karen                    02-10-1949

Ruth                      02-10-1949

Nora                      02-03-1953

Timothy Matthew    01-28-1955

Sue Ann                 10-21-1957

(Mom lost a baby between Sue and Bryant born pre-maturely).

Bryant Ray             03-17-1964



Old Red House/Hotel :    The big red brick house  was at one time kind of a hotel.   Grandma Lucy owned it and rented some of the rooms out.   It was located at 191 W Main Street on the corner in Moroni.  The house was 3 stories.  It had a basement or cellar in the bottom – it was kept warm by a coal burning stove that the boys would have to make sure was filled all the time with coal.    The main floor had a Family Room, Living Room, Mom and Dad’s bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.    The next floor had 3 bedrooms and a bathroom.
Linda had this watercolor picture colored of the old house.

At one time, there was some railing on the porch roof.  From the second story you could go out on the porch.  There is another railing on the second floor around the side of the house you can see.

This picture was taken in 2010.  The Irons family bought it from Mom and Dad back in 1958 for $2,000.  Sister Irons still lives in the house today.

Back behind our house on the side street was the Old “Moroni Co-op store owned by Rodney Anderson and later his son Boyd Anderson took it over (Boyd is the one I remember). (You can kind of see the store in the picture of the old house).    I used to go in there when I was a little girl and walk up and down the aisles.    It was a variety store so it had dishes, and groceries, and toys and household items etc.    I thought it was a huge store at that time and it had all kinds of little knick knacks too.


On the East side of our house Grandma & Grandpa Olsen lived next door to us.  It was really fun living next door to them.    When my Mom and Dad would go on trips for my dad’s work, lots of times she would tend us and check-up on us.


Aunt Vawn and Uncle John lived across the street kitty corner from us.


I remember my bedroom upstairs with Linda.    At first I was by the wall as you walk into the room.    Linda was over by the front windows.    The closet was to the right as you walked in the door.    We had an old antique kind of secretary desk.    I think it has a roll top on it.    When we moved to the new house with I was 8, Mom didn’t want to take all of that old furniture with her.    Through the years some have wished it would have been kept because they were really nice pieces of furniture.


In the old red house, when you went to the front door, that room was the family room and on the west side next to it was the Living room.    I remember a big chest of drawers that was in that room along with the piano.


I remember the extra bathroom upstairs, but we weren’t supposed to use it – or at least, that’s what I thought.    I remember a closet that kind of had a door on it and I used to think it went up to the attic and that we could go outside on a porch even though we weren't supposed to.


I remember the kitchen and the pantry.    You also went from Mom’s bedroom into a bathroom and then a small hall which went into the kitchen.     I remember going in it one day to choose which “Mush or Cereal”    we were going to have.    I think Oneil wanted the “cream of wheat or cream of rice”, but LaMont wanted the oatmeal mush, so that’s what I picked – I don’t know why.    I also remember that my Mom was a good cook.    She made the best pies and cakes and whatever she made it was delicious!!!    There were always meals prepared for us.   She’s still a good cook today at 90 years old.


I lived in the old house until August 1958 I started piano lessons when I was 8 years old, so I started practicing in the old house and then when we moved to the new house when I was 9 years old, we got a brand new piano.  I have many fond memories of living in that house.


Bats: I remember that bats sometimes came down from the attic.    LaMont and Oneil were chasing them around with brooms trying to get them out the front door from the family room, while the girls were all running around screaming.


Oneil’s Wart

I remember running up and down the staircase with Oneil chasing after me.  I remember one time I think it was Linda chasing him and he was trying to get away from her and he went into his bedroom which was straight    ahead at the top of the stairs.    He was slamming the door shut and she was pushing on it and he accidently got his finger caught in it.    The reason I remember this insignificant event was Oneil had a wart he had tried and tried to get rid of and he hadn’t been able to.    When it got slammed in the door that day, it went away and never came back again.


Big stuffed bear – Linda: I remember being able to peek down through the vents upstairs and look into the family downstairs below.    One Christmas Linda was peeking through the vent and    saw a great big stuffed panda bear and was disappointed when she got up for Christmas and found out later that it was for my Aunt Jackie instead who was my Mother’s youngest sister.    My Mom says that she practically raised Jackie.

Shirley Temple Show: I remember in the old house getting our first black & white TV for the first time.    I remember my Mom gathering us around and telling us it was time to come and watch the Shirley Temple show.    I grew up watching her and have always enjoyed her movies.    When I was around 12 I think, my Dad had turkey meetings to go to in Monterrey California.  So the whole family went with him and then went to Disneyland.  When we were eating out one night at a nice restaurant I told my mother that the lady a couple of tables away from us was Shirley Temple (all grown up of course).  She looked and said no that wasn't her.   The next day, we found out I was right and it was Shirley Temple sitting so close to us.


Other early TV shows I remember are What’s My Line?    The I Love Lucy Show,  Howdy Doody, Art Linkletter, Lassie, and many more great classic movies.


It was so exciting to get a TV.  Before that we'd sometimes look through the window at Co-op store.  Then dad decided to get one and told us we could either take a trip to Lake Tahoe or buy a TV.  We decided we wanted the TV instead.






Our brand new TV - around 1954 maybe.





Memorial Day: I remember the flowers and Iris that mom planted that lined the sidewalk on the side of the house and on Memorial days, cutting the flowers and making bouquets to put on the graves at the cemetary.  I remember how great Memorial Day was.  It was a time when families and relatives came from far away places to put flowers on their loved ones who were buried in Moroni.   We would cook and have little refreshments to give them as they came to our home and we sat and visited for awhile.  We got to play with cousins that we only saw once or maybe twice a year.  I have great memories of that holiday!
I remember playing out in the front yard in the water when the irrigation was turned onto the lawn.    I remember climbing the great big huge trees we had in our yard.

Sneaking out of the house: I remember taking a nap with my Mom in on her bed when I was little and after she would fall asleep, a couple of times I ran down the street to the Cahoons to play with them.    Mom wasn’t too happy when I did that.


Getting lost !   I also remember when I was very young – I ran off to Janet Eliason’s up the street to play with her.    She wasn’t someone I usually played with.    I stayed several hours.    When I started to go home, my Dad saw me and picked me up in his truck.    They had been looking everywhere for me.    They had even called the police to help look for me.    I’m sure I was in big trouble, but I don’t remember getting yelled at or anything like that.    Mom had been crying and they were just all concerned about me – I never did that again.


Dry Heaves- LOL: They tell the story that when I was little, I messed my diaper and LaMont had to change it.    He got the dry heaves and threw-up and then Oneil had to clean-up LaMont’s throw-up.    We all have a tough time with smells.   It was especially bad when I was pregnant with my kids because I would get the dry heaves so easily.

My Mom’s Club :   I remember when Mom would have club meetings at our house.    It was a group of women that organized the club together.    They would take turns having the meetings at their homes.    When it was our turn, I remember having to clean all day long.    One time, my Mom re-painted the walls in the Living Room to get ready for it.    They played cards and had refreshments and I’m sure they also did service projects.    I have a copy of their club booklet.





Family Prayer : I remember kneeling down in the family room for prayer and after someone else had said the family prayer, I fussed to say the prayer too, so Mom and Dad would stay kneeling with me as I said a prayer too.    I remember that scene as though it were yesterday.


Snooping in Mom’s drawers- long brown socks: I remember snooping through Mom’s drawers in her bedroom.    Once in a while I could find a piece of hard candy, or a piece of gum.     They were built in drawers with a closet to the side.    In one of her drawers she kept our long brown socks.    In the winter time we wore long stockings that were kind of heavy, but went all the way up to our thighs.    We had to wear garter belts to keep them up.    When I went to school, you never wore pants.    All we could wear were dresses, so we wore these long tan thick socks to keep our legs warm in the wintertime.


Dance Lessons :   I remember taking dance lessons when I was around 7 or 8 years old.   We went to the old Bungalow and some teachers came in from out of town.   I learned to tap dance and to do a little ballet dancing.   It only lasted a couple of years.   I remember doing lots of other fun activities in the old Bungalow too. Halloween Carnival – roller skating – dances – parties, etc.



Going to the Movies : I remember when I was 5 or 6 years old and Mom gave me money – probably 10 or 25 cents to go a movie.   The movie house was just down the street from our house in the next block.   The movie was the “Song of the South”.   I had a crush on my sister Linda's classmate,   Gayle Holman.   As I got closer to the movie and saw him standing there, I was too embarrassed to walk in front of him, so I just went home and didn’t go to the movie.   Looking back – it was so dumb not to go.   I never got a chance to see that movie again.
Lost my 2 front teeth early : When I was in 1st grade, a friend and distant cousin - Leonard Blackham, and I decided to race around the school.   I went one direction, he went the other way.   We met half-way around the building and ran into each other.   He got a big goose egg on his forehead, and I got my two front teeth knocked out early.   I had to go to the dentist and have them pulled that afternoon because they were so loose from the accident.   So I was toothless for awhile waiting for them to come in.  We always got a few quarters from the tooth fairy and sometimes even a silver dollar.
To be continued………………………
A few pictures of my early childhood.

5 Month's Old - I was almost bald until I was two years old.

9 Month's Old

18 months old - 1950

1952 - 2 yrs old

Karen 3 1/2  - with Cousins - Marianne & David Crosland

1952 - 2 yrs old

1953 Karen - age 4

1953 - 4 1/2 years

1953 - Linda, Karen & Oneil - Christmas in the old house

1955 - Karen age 6

1955 - Karen age 7 and Nora 2 1/2

1956 - Karen age &, Nora, Bruce and our dog buffer.

(See Grandma Olsen's house in the background)

1956 - Karen age 7

1956 - Nora, Tim and Karen

1957 - 8 years old

1957 - Christmas

Christmas 1956 with my Madam Alexander Christmas Doll

(I still have this doll today)

Click here to go to “Growing up on a Turkey Farm”, working at the Turkey Plant and more stories as they come to my mind.

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