“For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will ashow unto you all things what ye should do.” 2nd Nephi 32:5
Learning how to recognize the promptings of the Spirit will be a great asset with the coming challenges that life will have to offer. I would like to share an experience I had with my neighbor in Provo.
My neighbor’s daughter lived in Wyoming and had come down to her home to get married. They had made arrangements with the Judge to come to their home for the wedding and then a reception would follow after.
It was on a Saturday afternoon and I was busy cleaning my house and Golden was away from the home. Lynn came running over to my home to see if I could help her. It was two hours after the judge should have arrived and she was not there. She had forgotten. The bride was in tears and they did not know what to do. She knew that Golden had been a bishop and had come over to see if he could marry them.
Even if he had been home, I knew that he couldn't. I phoned the bishop to see if he could help but he was not available. I tried the stake president but he did not have the authority without approval of the bishop in Wyoming, which we could not get. I had run out of ideas to help. She left and I said a prayer. Even though it was not a temple marriage, it was important to them and they needed this marriage to occur.
Shortly after my prayer, the neighbor came running over. The judge had just phoned them. She happened to open her planner to see if there was anything she had forgotten and saw the wedding scheduled. She phoned to see if it was too late to come.
That judge will probably never know that she was prompted by the Spirit to look at her planner so that she could marry this couple. I was grateful for an answer to prayer. It made me stop and wonder how many times I had been prompted to do something in response to someone's prayer.
From the time I was eleven years old I had my grandmothers living with us. I learned to love older people and all through my married life we always had a foster grandmother that we would take care of.
Sister Fotheringham lived just around the corner from us and we learned to love her as our own grandmother. She was 93 years old and from Denmark and was just a little thing but oh what a wonderful person.
My children learned to love her and we would go over and help her with her yard work or go shopping or whatever she needed. When we moved over to Sunset area in Provo, Utah about five miles away, we still kept her as a part of our family and would go over and help her out.
On this particular day it was around 5:00 p.m. As usual, I was busy with dinner and getting kids to do homework and everything else that comes with life. I had a strong feeling that I needed to go over to Sister Fotheringham's. My first thought was that I could not go at that time, I was too busy but the feeling persisted.
I finally got into the car and took off to see what was up. I sang "Have I Done Any Good in the World today" to get me in the spirit of service. When I got to her home I found her sitting on the bed bleeding. I asked her what had happened, and she had fallen in her bathtub and split her head open. I asked her how she got out, because she had a broken hip and would not have been able to get out of the old fashioned bathtub on her own. She told me that her grandson and helped her. The interesting part was that he had passed away a year before.
I put her in the car and took her to the hospital for stitches. I was grateful that I had responded to the prompting to go to her home. I was also humbled to think that the Lord would use me to help.