“To any who from anguish of heart and sadness of soul have silently asked, “Heavenly Father, are you really there? … Do you hear and answer ev’ry … prayer?” I bear to you my witness that He is there. He does hear and answer every prayer. His Son, the Christ, burst the bands of our earthly prisons, and heaven’s blessings await us. President Thomas S. Monson First Counselor in the First Presidency ” First Presidency Message Miracles of Faith”
Life has a way of reminding us just how frail it can be and how easily it can be taken. The story I would like to tell now is one that is very sacred and spiritual to me. I hope that I can share this experience with the same spirit that I experienced during this time of life.
Somewhere around 1983, life was going pretty good. I had five beautiful children that were the joy and spice of my life. My husband had a good job and we were financially okay. I had always had problems with anemia so I really didn't think much about being tired. Every so often I would stop by the doctor’s office to get my blood checked to make sure that I didn't get too low on blood.
I had the flu a week or so earlier and never really seemed to pull out of it. I was always tired and somewhat dizzy. I decided to go in to get my blood checked to see if it was low again. This particular time when I went in, the nurse wanted me to see the doctor that day. I told her that this was a common problem for me and that I would just go and get some iron pills. When she insisted that I stay and see the doctor, I knew something was wrong.
The first thought that went through my mind was leukemia and for some reason I knew that I had it. I met with Dr. Hess and he ran some more blood work that was more extensive than a finger prick. As I drove home my emotions were very tender and I was having a hard time controlling them.
I did not want to frighten the children or my husband, so I decided that I would keep quiet until I had a confirmation of the diagnosis. As I got home and tried to care for the family, I found that I was going to lose control. I quickly ran out of the house and over to my dear neighbors Brother and Sister Allen. They were an older couple across the street and had always been there with encouragement as I raised my children.
When Sister Allen answered the door, I broke into tears and could not speak. She took me into her home and we sat and talked for awhile until I got calmed down. When I explained to her my situation she spoke to her daughter, who was a nurse, and gave me some encouragement.
I asked Brother Allen if he would give me a blessing to just help me keep control until I could find out the diagnosis. He gave me a blessing of complete peace and that all would be well regardless of the outcome. That blessing was the beginning of a testimony of the power of the Holy Ghost that I will never forget and will always cherish.
While I was waiting for the blood work to come back, I decided to tell Golden what I thought was going on. When I woke up one morning, I was bloated and full of water and found walking was very difficult. I phoned the doctor and he took me right in. He informed me that I had what they called A-type leukemia. He said that I was experiencing kidney failure, liver failure, and possible congestive heart failure and put me on a 24 hour call.
He referred me to a hematologist, Dr. Bott, but when they tried to make the appointment for me I could not get in to see him for almost a month. I told Dr. Hess that I did not think I could hold out emotionally that long not knowing and asked if he could push the appointment up at all. He called Dr. Bott and they went over the blood work on the phone. After consulting with Dr. Bott, Dr. Hess informed me that Dr. Bott agreed with the diagnosis and was willing to see me the next morning and run a bone marrow test.
As I drove away, I thought that if I kept myself busy I would be able to keep control. At the time, I was working at Sears Telecatalog doing intake for catalog orders. As I was driving to work, I discovered that when I tried to speak all I could do was cry. I knew that was not a good combination for working at a telemarketing center, so I decided to go to my sister's.
I told her what was going on and we just sat and talked for awhile. She phoned Dr. Bott's office and asked how solid a diagnosis had to be before running a bone marrow test, and they told us that it was 90% sure.
I asked Deanne to call Golden and have him come home. While I was waiting for Golden, Mom and Dad showed up and I was panicked. I knew that Mom could not handle this situation with her nerves and I could not let her see me the way I was. Deanne stopped Dad at the back door and explained to him what was wrong and told him to let Mom know when he thought she could handle it.
When Golden got there I told him everything and then we went home. Deanne called my sisters to let them know so that they could have me in their prayers. Golden had the task of telling each of our children what was going on so that they would understand and be prepared for whatever was to happen.
As the children came home from school, Golden took each one of them into his den and talked with them. It was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. I was hurting the ones I loved and I could not do anything about it. The children sensed the magnitude of what was happening but did not really understand.
The interesting part of this whole experience was that even though I cried a lot, I had such peace inside. My tears were having to watch the ones I loved suffer; not fear of cancer or what I had or had not done in life. The one thing that came to my mind was that I had no regrets. I had spent time with all of my children and had written them letters every year telling them of some of the things they went through and letting them know of my love for them. I told them that I had spent more time with them than most parents would do in a lifetime. I told Aaron that I would paint him his rainbow if I were taken back home and he would know that I was there watching over them.
That evening we had Brother Allen come over and assist in giving me a blessing before the bone marrow test the next morning. In that blessing I was given a promise of healing and life. The love and spirit within our home was so strong that I cannot express it in words. After the blessing everyone had tears but Chantel. Aaron went over to her and asked if she didn't love me because she was not crying. She simply said, "Don't you believe in prayer?" She heard the blessing and knew without a doubt that things would be okay. What a powerful testimony that was to me of faith and trust in the Lord. This was a subject that I had struggled with for years.
The next morning when I went to see Dr. Bott, he decided to re-run the lab work before doing the bone marrow. The results had changed. Almost all of the abnormalities in my blood were gone and it only showed signs of anemia. He sent me home and scheduled a follow-up in six weeks to see the results. When I went back to him all he said was that he was concerned about the abnormalities in the blood but they were all gone. I had been given another chance at life!
What I learned were the same as the lessons the pioneers learned that came with the Willy-Martin Handcart companies across the plains. I gained an intimate relationship with my Father Heaven that I had never thought possible. He became so real to me, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He knew me and cared. His love is so powerful and unconditional. All we have to do is trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is so simple.
For months the spirit lingered with me. One day I was visiting with my mother, and she asked me to go visiting teaching with her. As I sat there she was struggling with the lesson. I went to make a comment and the room flooded with the Spirit. It was so strong I could almost touch it.
I wondered at the time if it was just me that was feeling the Spirit so strongly, but I just sat quietly and listened to their conversation. When we left I asked my mother if she felt anything. She said that she had never experienced anything like it and wanted to know what happened. We talked and I told her how I had many experiences like this since my leukemia diagnosis. I felt like Joseph Smith when he was able to finally share the golden plates with some of his friends in the gospel. I was full of such joy to be able to share it with my mother.
Another time was in one of our family home evenings when I shared a church video about a young lady who was diagnosed with cancer. As we watched the video, once again the Spirit flooded the room and everyone felt it. It was a powerful experience and one that I will never forget.