This month we are spotlighting someone who was born in Salem and has never left--Clark and Donna Nelson. Clark was born 86 years ago just one house away from where he now lives. Over the years, he has been a farmer, cattleman, businessman, and, of necessity, jack of all rtades to provide for his family.
He and Donna have 4 children, 20 grandchildren, and 64+ great-grandchildren. I don't believe there is anyone in town who loves Salem pond and fishes it more than Clark does. You may see him fishing there a lot and he has smoking his catch down to a science.
He has always loved riding horses and animal auctions. He, along with others, was the first fire chief of Salem and served as a City Councilman for 6 years. While serving as councilman, he helped implement a water line and improved the city cemetery.
Donna was born in Tropic, Utah and came to Salem as a new bride and has never left. She has been by Clark's side for 68 years. I think she could tell you, among other things, how to bale hay, milk and take care of cows, ride horses, raise children, can food, and sew. She has handmade gifts for all of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren every Christmas.
One of the things they shared was when Donna heard there was a storm coming in and they had hay in the field that needed to be brought in. She woke their two boys and they went out in the middle of the night and brought in 4 wagon loads of baled hay. Clark was surprised to see, when he got home from work, that all the hay was in out of the fields. The bad storm did come in.
They have had and are still having a very good life. So much to be thankful for.
From "Senior Spotlight", Salem City Newsletter, July 2012, p 3.