Ella Bebermeyer
Her Story
Ella Bebermeyer was born to parents Henry Conrad Bebermeyer and Lucy Mary (Ullmer) Bebermeyer in 1875-76 in Missouri. She was the oldest of the children. In the census of 1880 the family lived in Elkhorn, Warren Co., Missouri. She has a sister named Flora age 2, at this point in time.
In the census of 1900 the family were living in Kingston, Caldwell Co. Missouri. At this time she had 1 sister, Flora and 4 brothers ; George, John Ernest, Roy and Paul.
On December 26,1900 Ella joined in marriage with Joseph Stephen Neff, in Hamilton, Missouri. By the census of 1910 the family were living in Fox Creek, Harrison Co. Missouri and they had 4 children. Howard-8, Garland-6, Maurine-4 and Nadine-4mos.
In the census of 1920 ,the family had moved to Sherman, Harrison Co., Missouri. The family still consisted of 4 children, all living with parents at this time.
When the census of 1930 was enumerated the family had moved to Limon, Lincoln Co., Colorado. Only two of the children lived with Ella and Joseph at this time, Garland -26, and Nadine-20.
The census of 1940 only list Joseph and Ella still residing in Limon, Colorado.
I was unable to find a death date for Ella (Bebermeyer) Neff at this time