By Administrator on Friday, 09 September 2011
Category: Legacy Story

Holding Pattern Over Memphis

Brad Hill was the GM of LTA Media, my marketing company on 9-11. He was on his way to Los Angeles to meet a new client, flying at 30,000 feet above Memphis, Tennessee when he heard the strangest announcement over the intercom. The pilot said they had to land immediately and that all planes had been grounded.

I can only imagine the thoughts that ran through the minds of passengers in every jet that was flying at the time. There was no wireless internet or smart phones at that altitude to know anything about what had happened on the ground. All they could do was keep asking and no clear answers were given.

It was only when he landed in Memphis that he called me on his cell to tell me he was delayed. I then told him why and he was completely stunned. He said there was a lot of noticeable jabbering from passengers on the plane, some hearing the news via cell too.

So many people were affected in so many ways which is what makes these 9-11 stories so fascinating. Brad further described the scene periodically by cell that day. He saw jets parked all over the tarmac and even in the grassy areas. It was the first time in aviation history that all aircraft were grounded. Some had ni place to land and had to be diverted to Canada.

He immediately tried to rent a car and all were taken. He was stranded like thousands of others. What an awakening they all must've had that day. I just thought I'd share this one with you because I had the unusual privilege of being there without having to go through it.


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