What are the things that make me most proud of my country?
Today is July 4th, and we celebrate this day as the Birthday of America.
However, June 14th is a significant day for Americans. It is the day we celebrate the brithday of the United States Flag. On June 14, 1777 the Continental Congress passed a resolution first creating the Stars and Stripes. Then in 1947, President Truman signed legislation designating "National Flag Day" as an annual event, and since that day we have been celebrating our national flag on June 14th, every year.
I am proud of the United States Flag as a symbol of liberty. I haven't always appreciated this symbol as I do now. But living overseas and seeing how others do not have the freedom and liberty that I have as an American made me more deeply appreciate our flag. As I have seen friends and relatives commit to fight to retain this liberty (some giving the ultimate sacrifice), it has instilled in me a greater understanding of the price of freedom.
I am proud of the way the Declaration of Independence sets forth the creed of our nation and instills in us a strong sense of community and togetherness. I am proud to be associated with those who understand that the Constitution of the United States is an inspired document, written by God-fearing men who were influenced by the hand of Providence to establish this democratic government of the people and for the people.. However, it will only work for a moral society.
I a proud that I understand that this is a blessed land, above all other lands. And it will only remain that way as we, who possess this land, follow the God that blesses it--on His terms, not ours.
The principles penned by our Founders in our Declaration come together in one striking expression of unity -- E Pluribus Unum, or 'out of many, we are one' as our guiding principle. Another guiding principle is 'In God We Trust'. These principles are etched on our coins, inked in our money, and reflected in the hearts of our people. When we uphold to these principles, I am most proud of America. These are the principles of patriotism!
I am proud of my country when I see people stand for what is right, understanding that there may be different opinions, but the best solutions come out of faith and righteousness.
I am proud of my country when our leaders are statesmen, not politicians--when our government allows the people to govern, rather than the other way around!
I am proud that I can live in a community that fosters peace, rather than discord--that supports our country through strong citizenry.
I am proud that we can choose our occupations, our level of education, and our leaders without fear of tyrany or dictatorial rule.
I am most proud of my country when I see the men and women who serve their country by defending it on the front lines against those with a different agenda than freedom!. And especially as I see the troops who are helping others--particularly those who do not have the many comforts of life that I, as an American, enjoy.
I am proud that I can worship in the manner that I choose,to follow the dictates of my own conscience and allow all men that same privilege. Let them worship how, where, and what they may.
My grandson, Ryan, was riding with me the other day, and he reminded me of the song he had learned in kindergarten -- "I'm proud to be an American." (God bless the USA)
I'm proud that my posterity are also 'proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me. And I'd gladly stand up next to you, and defend her still today. 'Cause there ain't no doubt, I love this land. God Bless The U.S.A.'