I have been informed that within the next few days, the Lifetime Membership in I-ASK, and being grandfathered into ALL programs will come to a close for LegacyStories Early Adopters. Your immediate action is requested should you think that you would ever like to have a part-time or full time career "Preserving the Living History of our Time."
When the imminent planned upgrade (June 6th) to LegacyStories.org (the officialy archive of The Living Legacy Project) takes place, changes in the price and commission structure will also occur. The annual fee for membership in I-ASK is availble for $150 or pay a one time Lifetime membershp fee and never pay dues again. The new membership will have a monthly membershp of $27/mo after an initial enrollment fee (this tallies to over $320/yr) and the Certified Legacy Advisor (CLA) Course and the Certifed Legacy Planner (CLP) Course -- online certifications -- will be separately priced. Each of the programs that have been developed for various niches to collect the living history of the 20th century will also have its own separate price as will the Lifetime Archive Vault.
YOU MUST ACT FAST!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BE ABLE TO RECEIVE ALL THESE LIFETIME BENEFITS AT ONE LOW PRICE. For Only $299 one time, this can all be yours included a Lifetime Archive Vault.
The price of the Lifetime Archive Vault alone is $295. Each of the certification courses are valued at hundreds of dollars. And each of the programs will have their separate prices. But in order to qualify to offer these programs, you must first have successfully completed the online CLA course.
If you haven't yet registered your FREE! LegacyStories.org account (which everyone does prior to upgrading), You may do so . CLICK HERE.
Once you have your Free! Membership (which includes your Life Experiences and Values Tool Kit), you may request an upgrade to I-ASK and you will be invoiced via PayPal by sending an email request and your PayPal email (get a free account online if you don't have one) to:
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Please include the followng:
1. Request to join Lifetime Membershp of I-ASK including Lifetime Story Vault (Mentor: Golden Adams)
2. Send the email address of your PayPal account so that you will receive an invoice from LegacyStories. (This is also the manner in which commissions are paid to Active I-ASK members.)
Programs Currently Available (Grandfathered in with I-ASK Membership)
1. Legacy Rescue Plan CLICK HERE
2. Pict-Oral Memoirs CLICK HERE
3. For Assisted Living CLICK HERE
4. For Hospice Volunteers CLICK HERE
5. For Estate Planners and Wealth Managers CLICK HERE
6. Legacy Talks - Speakers and Seminars CLICK HERE
7. Funeral Home Pre-Need Tributes - Narrated Slideshows CLICK HERE
Golden V. Adams Jr., AG, CLA, CLP