Lea’s Dream
The moon was shining brightly and I was on my way home. Suddenly something went wrong. Everything became dark and I was caught in a pair of strong arms. It was useless for me to try to wrench myself free. I was not in pain, but I was a prisoner. I tried to be patient and not make an outcry. Finally, my captors’ footsteps died away. This situation had to be solved.
Cautiously, I felt my way around in my prison and could not feel anything, but a wall. Oh, what a predicament? I was in a barrel. I groped around again to find the bottom of the barrel was springy. I could not make traveling like this. To my great sorrow there were springs in the bottom of the barrel.
Another thought came to my mind. I would try to find the top of this horrible place. I raised my hands over my head and found another wall. Again, I was defeated. My captors’ had placed a lid on the barrel. Now, what was I to do? I did not give up, but continued feeling my way about. All of a sudden my hands came in contact with something. I seized on to it and I decided I would swing over the top. My foot slipped and I was caught in some kind of a metal trap. I did not let go my hold on the overhead object, but to no avail. It turned loose with a loud tearing sound. I fell to my hands and knees completely exhausted. Now, I was awake. My foot hurt. I had stepped too near the edge of the bed and the springs had caught it. I looked up and I had pulled the light fixture down. What a dream!
By: Lula Gregory Flynn