By Legacy Blog on Friday, 08 March 2013
Category: Education

Legacy Talks- Part Three




Now that you've done all your prep work it's time for the big day. If you have not started the host's Legacy Matters Program you'll need to plan to arrive 2 hours prior to the Legacy Talk. Do everything except burn the archival DVD. If you have internet you'll need to:


Avoid heavy food or alcohol!!

Ideally, you have wireless internet access and have tested it for nice fluid streaming. If you've done your prep you'll be able to plug your laptop into the host;s TV where it will be easy to set up chairs for universal viewing.

It's not such a bad thing to sit at one end of the table and allow the guests (3-5) to gather close to see and hear the program. 

Know your audience and ask the host to give you a quick background on the guests so you know what to expect, if possible.


- Host welcomes everyone and introduces the CLA presenter

- Always start with a brief story about yourself and what got you into doing this

- Follow the Living Legacy Project Presentation by using the Powerpoint and individual videos or by playing the Recorded 17-minute presentation. To learn how to do this and download all the necessary files click HERE.

- After the LLP presentation is completed it's time to demo the Host's profile and talking slideshow from the website- If no internet is available, play the video slideshow you created earlier. Let the guests listen to all of the Host's 5 talking photos. Even family and friends will learn something they didn't know and will be thoroughly entertained. This is where the magic of the event happens!!

- Since you'll already be friends in each others profile you'll be able to click on your thumbnail photo to navigate your audience to your profile where you will share with them one of your talking photos and other stories you have created. This is your opportunity to really show the benefits of the site from a real lie example.....YOU!!

- If internet is not available you would've already had to create the Host's DVD slideshow at the planning visit or another time prior to the day of the Talk.

- Show your profile thumbnail photo in her Friends section of the host's profile. If no internet, you will not be able to do this except with screen shots of the specific site pages you want to demo. Of course, you'd need to have done this in advance.

- Click on your thumbnail photo and take the guests to your profile- Let them see and hear one of your talking photos so they can see how meaningful it is to you and your family. DO NOT spend a lot of time talking to all areas of the website. They will be too overwhelmed and it will divert their attention to website functionality rather than the slideshow, which is your primary focus. Just give them a taste of your own content and show how you are connected to their host. The initial website tour video will have given them enough to know the web library offers so much. 


Now that the guests have been totally enthralled it is time to help them make the decision to start their own legacy plan and participate in the Living Legacy Project. Follow the Wrap Up sequence outlined at the bottom section of the Living Legacy Project Presentation by clicking HERE.


Now all you need to do is take orders for gift certificates and set appointments to meet to create Legacy Matters Programs and/or to ask who wants to host, and who wants to do what you do. You will be busy so be prepared to take names and numbers for ater contact. Great job! Your next Legacy Talk will be much smoother and easier.