I have so many fond memories of my childhood home at 70 Rockland St, Natick, Massachusetts. Surrounded by family farms, the little home was the first for my Mom and Dad to own. As their family grew to 10 kids Dad had to keep adding space. We were all packed into the house, 2 sets of bunk beds per bedroom and a back yard full of dirt and grass for space to play.
So much happened in this house. We celebrated many Christmases and Easters, sang our way to bed and played in the sandbox outside. Dad made a lot of pretty good decisions at a very young age and the choice for this house to bring us up was the best of all in my view. We learned how to milk cows, shovel manure, gather eggs, ride bikes, play baseball, play musical instruments, and all the disciplines that go with daily chores. Our neighbors all must've had the same thing in mind because their kids became part of each others' families. It was like living in a Norman Rockwell painting.
Here is a link to a slide show of growing up in our childhood home at Rockland St. Click Here