Yes, Bo, I remember the Farm very well. I remember spending the night with Grandmother and Grandaddy Anthony and then coming home telling my mom about the awful stuff Grandmother had me take before I went to bed. Turns out it was castor oil. I don't remember any sleep overs after that. I also remember Dad fishing out there every time we went and Grandmother's great snacks: popcorn with fresh roasted peanuts (from the farm) and bottled grape juice with fresh squeezed lemonade.
At one of the Cousins reunions, Cousin Steve thought it was grape juice and iced tea. Anyone know the real recipe?
The chair that Grandaddy sat in nearly all the time, the rocker, is now in San Jose, California with my son Harold and his family. I still want to go back there and see how everything has changed. I think the fishing pond may be smaller than I remember.