In 2011, Chad Peterson developed his Eagle Project as an oral history collection of "Salem Remembered". He and others interviewed several long-time residents of Salem, Utah and asked a series of questions. They responded with their answers. These are the questions he asked:
(1) What is your name?
(2) What at the names of your parents?
(3) Did you have siblings, and if so what are their names?
(4) When and where were you born?
(5) How did your family come to live in Salem?
(6) What is your earliest childhood memory living in Salem?
(7) Who were your friends growing up?
(8) What kind of games did you play growing up?
(9) What is your favorite thing to do in Salem?
(10) Do you remember what the popular fashion growing up was?
(11) What changes have occurred in Salem?
(12) Where did you live in Salem? What was your house like?
(13) What holidays were celebrated most in Salem?
(14) Do you remember any tragdeies that happened in Salem? If so, how did people react?
(15) Do you remember people you looked up to growing up? Why did you look up to them?
(16) Do you remember any buildings that were in Salem that are no longer here today?
(17) What was school like growing up? Did you have to walk to school?
(18) Did you celebrate Salem Days growing up? If so, what activities were there?
(19) What was your political point of view growing up? What were some political issues?
(20) What kind of jobs did you do growing up? What did you like or dislike about them?
(21) Of all the changes Salem has gone through, what was the biggest change?
(22) What high school did you attend growing up? Where there any rivalries going on?
(23) What kind of school activities were there? What was your favorite one to participate in?
(24) What was your favorite sport growing up? Did you have any favorite team? Why did you like this sport?
(25) What was your favorite childhood story? Why did you like this story?
(26) What kind of music did you like growing up? Were there any artists that were popular at the time?
(27) Tell us something you would like everyone to know about Salem.
Oral History Interviews conducted by Chad Peterson, Ian Burgess, et. al. (Click the Green Arrow to hear the Interview):
Garth Hill Remembers Salem - 30 March 2011: 11 Minutes
Grant Lee Moore Remembers Salem - 30 March 2011: 37 Minutes.
Delores Hanks Remembers Salem - 30 March 2011: 18 Minutes.
Beverly Hansen Davis Remembers Salem - 30 March 2011: 19 Minutes.
Shirl Hanks Remembers Salem - 6 April 2011: 29 Minutes.
Brent Hanks Remembers Salem - 6 April 2011: 14 Minutes.
Zina Hanks Remembers Salem - 6 April 2011: 25 Minutes.
Vaud M. Hanks Remembers Salem - 6 April 2011: 29 Minutes
Nadene D. Cope Remembers Salem - 6 April 2011: 23 Minutes.
Helen Selman Remembers Salem - 13 May 2011: 22 Minutes.