By Salem Utah Heritage on Tuesday, 05 August 2014
Category: Achievement

Roen and Shirley Griffiths

We would like to spotlight Roen and Shirley Griffiths.  Their kids call them the "Energizer Bunny" and you can see why if you have ever trired to keep up with them.  Roen is 83 years old and is from Bend, Oregon.  Shirley is 81 years old and was born in Las Vegas, Nevada but when she was 12 her family moved to Albany, Oregon.  In 1949 Roen attended BYU. He was one of the first people from Bend, Oregon to attend BYU.  Shirley was the first person from Albany, Oregon to attend BYU.  They met when they carpooled with a brother and sister who were going home to Oregon for Christmas.

They will have been married for 63 years this October.  They were married during the time of the Korean War.  Two months after being married, Roen enlisted in the Air Force. (It was either that or be drafted.) He attended Electronic School in Illinois.  After Basic Training Shirley was able to join him in Illinois until he went oversears for a year.  He was in the Air Force for four years and then in the Reserves for four years.  After being discharged form the Air Force he attended BYU and they lived in Provo for three months.  Then they moved to Salem on January 1, 1957 after his Aunt Tressa Davis told them rent was cheaper in Salem than Provo.  They rented a home from Mel Hanks for three years; then they bought the Victorian style home at 50 East 100 South and lived there for 28 years; then bult the home they live in now by the Pond and have lived there for 26 years.  So they call Salem Home.

Victorian Style Home: 50 East 100 South, Salem UT taken 5 August 2014

They have seven children: Mike and Kristen Griffiths, Salem; Janet and David Peterson, Provo; David and Sheri Griffiths, Salem; Judy (Duane, deceased) Davis, Salem; Carol and Val Hutchinson, Draper (twins) Doug and Michelle Griffiths, Salem; and Steve and Gina Griffiths, Salem.  They have 28 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren with one on the way.

With their family growing, Roen had to quit BYU and go to work to provide for his family.  He was an Electrical Technician and had a shop in the old Salem Merc for just under a year. Then he went to work for Smith's T.V. in Springville.  He contracted rheumatic fever (after that he got the mumps), and had to find a less stressful job. So in 1942 he went to work for the broadcast industry, Channel 2 T.V.  He was the Chief Broadcast Engineer for the transmitters for Channel 2 and the FM station.  He would take care of the transmitter site on Oquirrh Mountian.  He lived at the site for one week and was home for two weeks.  He started Nebo Electric to fill in his time while he was home.  He had this company for 35 years.

They are both members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They have served two missions for the LDS Church: (1) Knoxville, Tenn. (proselyting mission) for 1 1/2 years and (2) Palymra [New York] Temple as temple workers for six months.  When Shirley was 12 years old she was the pianist for their branch.  After the kids were raised she became a Pink Lady Volunteer at Mountain View Hospital.  She became the Director of Volunteer Services with over 75-100 volunteers.  She served a term as the State President of Utah Hospital Director Volunteers.  She served as a volunteer from 1983 to 1995.  She taught piano lessons for over 20 years.  She has served as Relief Society President, Ward Organist and Choir Director.  She was the secretary to the Spanish Fork PTA Council.  When her children were growing up she sewed everything from sport coats to under panties.  She loves to quilt.  Every one of her granddaughters have been given a quilt when they got married.  Shirley has been Chairman of the Salem Days Parade and helped with several pageants.  She was secretary of the Progressive Party one year.  She accompanied the Country Cousins for 10 years; she has been a member of the Woodland Hills Tappers (dancers) for eight years.

In 1963 Roen served four years on the Salem City Council.  He was serving when the sewer system was installed.  He was over the Electrical Department and worked to replace the secondary power lines throughout town.  He served as Assistant Volunteer Fire Chief for three to four years. They were responsible for both fire and ambulance at that time.  He has been active in Scouting for 50 years and received the Silver Beaver Award in 1985.  He has been Scoutmaster three times; Assistant Scoutmaster firve times; Three years as Wood Badge staff; and just completed 10 years as Timberline staff.  He has served in the Stake Young Men Presidency and been Stake Executive Secretary two times.  He served on the High Council for six years, served in a bishopric and has been a Temple Sealer for 10 years.  He has been a Stake Patriarch for 2 1/2 years.

They were Salem Family of the Year in 1988.  They love to travel.  Roen has been to 16 countries (some while he was in the Air Force) and every State in the Union. Shirley has been to nine countries and every State as well.  They said after traveling to all these areas, there is no place like Salem. 

Roen said, "We love the area.  It is more peacful, pleasant and beautiful.  We love the people; we live in a neighborhood where we know everyone.  We love the community; it is not just the area but the people." 

Both of their parents are buried in Salem, along with one of Roen's brothers and one of Shirley's sisters.

Thank you for your contributions to Salem.


From "Senior Spotlight", Salem City Newsletter, August 2014 -  P 3.

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