If I could only broadcast one message to the world that has come from my faith, it would be that the gospel of Jesus Christ--His Church and kingdom-- was lost to the world through the dark ages, known as the Apostasy, and that through His grace and tender mercies, it has been restored to the earth in these latter-days. The same teachings, blessings, and authority that He had from His Father has once again been given to man upon the earth. The same organization that He set up while in mortality was restored through a young man living in upstate New York by the name of Joseph Smith.
Through the faith of this young man who wanted to know which church he should join, and taking the counsel of John, he asked God in prayer and was given a very unexpected answer through a visitation of God the Father, and his son, Jesus Christ, who appeared to him and instructed him. Joseph was instructed that he should join none of the churches, for they drew near to Him {Jesus) having a form of godliness, but denying the power (authoirty); that their teachings were teachings of men, mingled with scripture. Subsequently, Joseph and a fellow disciple, Oliver Cowdery, were given the Aaronic Priesthood by John The Baptist (the same who had been a forerunner of Christ in the meridian of time and had been beheaded, but was now a resurrected being) by the "laying on of hands". This same John was the last to have the directing keys with the authority to baptize, and who baptized Jesus when we was upon the earth as an example to all who would come to Jesus and His gospel. This was done under the direction of the Apostles Peter, James, and John who held the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
These same three apostles also returned to earth and gave this same authority to Joseph and Oliver. Subsequently, these keys have been handed down through ordination by the "laying on of hands" to a prophet by the name of Thomas S. Monson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As one who has been ordained and holds this authority and priesthood, I testify that this message is true. The head of this church is Jesus Christ, and he leads it through revelation, giving his mind and will through living prophets today. I have exercised this authority and know it to be true, and anyone who desires to find truth of this for themselves can approach Heavenly Father in prayer with a sincere and contrite heart, and receive their answer through the power of the Holy Ghost , who is the revelator. This knowledge only comes through revelation. I know through experience that this message is true, and that it is the message that will save the world and her inhabitants as they follow the God that gave them life. It is only through following the teachings of Jesus Christ and the principles and ordinances that we may be saved.
This is also the message that the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints testify to the world in preparation of the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.