On the road…again! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek On Memory Lapses and Voids Everybody has some degree of short-term memory loss, and everybody has some degree of long-term memory loss. We wonder why we forget some things and worry a bit...
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On the road…again! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek On Being An Observer Every once in a while, the Footloose Forester (and everybody else) shows disappointment that something important that should have been recognized was not, something that should have been...
On the road…again!!! Essays, Stories, Adventures, Dreams Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek It’s Raining in the Teak The combination and progression of adventures that led to dreams that led to stories that sometimes led to essays is the present impetus to now tell a tale...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Persona Non-Grata Every person, at some time or another, lets negative thoughts creep into their consciousness. Usually, the thoughts of negative episodes in life come back again and again over the years. It does not...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek T for Trinidad Trinidad is probably carved out of South America. If you look closely at a map of Venezuela, you will see how closely the coastline adjacent to Trinidad suggests that Trinidad once fit...