Here lie the remains of the ring that at one time brought memories of my grandmother and great-grandmother! No longer a ring but only worn out gems—a golden band destroyed of its original form and beauty. The dastardly culprit I can still see in my mind’s eye with a smug...
On the road…. again!!! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Recycle Trees, Too Not everyone gets to recycle a dying sugar maple tree and convert it into a magnificent scul pture like the one shown below. But we are happy that Ray Langer...
On the road…. again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Newsletters from 2003 and 2004 Rather than viewing the past through the rose colored glasses of a selective set of fond and cherished memories, the Footloose Forester chose to retrieve a few of...
One of my most cherished keesakes is a hand-painted china playte my Grandmother, Nelley Jane Leverton Livermore gave me on the occastion of my marriage in 1954. On the back of the plate she has written: "My wedding present 1914 for Sonddra 1954".
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek A Buddhist Burial Among the keepsakes we can expect to see in future years are digitized photographs and videos of funerals and burial rituals. In our family, we have a lengthy video of the burial...
On the road…again! Afghanistan to Zambia Chronicles of a Footloose Forester By Dick Pellek Of Oil and Gas Wells The American Chestnut log that has been a resting place for the past 33 years on the Pennsylvania property of the Footloose Forester owes its presence to the kindness of Ray...
Created for the Center for Digital Storytelling in August of 2012.
My Burland Ancestors have had many things written about them. I have found many of my heirlooms online at Ebay. I had never thought that I would ever find anything about my ancestors online. But, when I was online a couple of years ago, I googled Burland. Imagine my surprise when...
My Burland Ancestors have had many things written about them. I have found many of my heirlooms online at Ebay. I had never thought that I would ever find anything about my ancestors online. But, when I was online a couple of years ago, I googled Burland. Imagine my surprise when...
The White Whale was my first car. I bought it brand new from York Gary, who was the salesman at Ball Chevrolet in Nashville, AR, my hometown. York was the father of my best friend Gloria. It was not such a special car in the beginning. It took...
Picture with with a President - Found Among My Family Keepsakes Like so many baby boomers, I have boxes of my own photos gathered, throughout the years, along with many photo albums that I inherited when my parents passed on. Among these are photos and memorabilia from one of my...
HOW TO GIVE KEEPSAKES AND HEIRLOOMS AN HONORED PLACE IN FAMILY HISTORY Throughout the course of our lifetime we accumulate mementos and keepsakes. These special objects represent unique life experiences. The stories behind these keepsakes are often the difference between being tossed by the next generation or becoming an heirloom. The...
When we were sitting at the edge of the Provo Temple fountain, I told Diane that I was not marrying her for who she was, but who she would become! You see, the blessing is not in the being, but in the becoming. In a few days, we will have been...
Diane and I had been dating for just a month when we became engaged. This occurred at the front of the Provo LDS Temple where we were sitting around the fountain. As she opened the wrapping, she noticed a toy stuffed cow and inscribed upon its body were the words "To...
With our large family moving to different parts of the country it becomes more and more difficult to do things collectively that we all can enjoy. One thing's for sure, many of us in the family love NFL football. Realizing that some are not as football literate as others, Dad decided...
Over 200 descendants of Bertha Willis were among the members of the congregation at the devotional service. . .
I have a locket. I 've had it since I was a teenager when my mother gave it to me. At her death, I found a picture of her prior to marriage to my father. She was wearing the locket. My father does not know who gave it to her, as he...
Yesterday was my son Ken's 38th birthday (yes, I can't believe it either!) and as well as the Spanish paella pan John and I bought him and the Jewish Cheesecake I baked for him, I wanted to give him something of family significance. I have had, tucked away in my jewellery...
This old guitar has taken me to many unusual places. It's one of the most special keepsakes I own.