I guess the proudest moment I ever had with a close family member is when my Granddaughter was born. She was born March 10 1999. Carolyn Sue Spratt First Halloween 7 Months Old In The Costume That Grandma Made It was special but I guess what really made it...
Sarah Ellen Corder When she Young My Great grandmother name was Sarah Ellen Corder. I know everyone talks about having skeleton’s in their closets. I believe this is mine. I know time’s were different back then but still I find it hard to believe that even a woman born...
Andrew Johnson Spratt’s Father was born ( according to census’ ) about 1834 in Kentucky. I believe probably Greene County. I haven’t been able to find his father’s name but I believe it may have been Enoch Spratt. But Andrew’s father’s name was Wilson Marion Spratt. Wilson Marion Spratt The...
Before I fell in love with genealogy I loved working with wood. We ended up moving and I didn’t have a good place for a work shop. I was working putting a roof on my deck outback and fell two steps off of a ladder and broke my hip. My wife...
Around 1980 Waylon Jennings recorded a song about a “Good Timin’ Man.” who “liked the bright lights and good timin’ friends” and a woman who “through teardrops and laughter” passed through this world “hand in hand” with him. A little over a hundred year’s earlier a boy-child named Arthur Benton Carriker...
DESCRIBE AN AMAZING COINCIDENCE THAT OCCURRED WITHIN YOUR FAMILY Click HERE to create your story * Click HERE to learn how * Click HERE to trigger memories and ideas Read some member stories from last week's "Pride" topic: When I was growing up, school was challenging for me, especially math, and...
I had been traveling with a group in Austria on a music tour. The flight from Vienna was delayed due to a thunder storm. Hence we missed the flight from Amsterdam and the one in Detroit to Columbus. We stayed over night in Detroit arriving in Columbus on Sunday evening, September...
I really don't remember where I was on 9-11. I just remember a feeling of incredulity looking at the buildings on fire. I kept thinking, "There will be a lot of injuries." But there were none. It was eerie and sickening to think of all those people just gone. Everything that...
I look back at 9-11 and sometimes wonder why we want to honor a disaster. Why do we want to give credit to the power and damage the terrorists caused Americans that day? I have three sons and the fear of having to send them to war terrifies me. When they...
It’s amazing how genetics passes down your looks. My son looks like me and I look like my Dad and so on. You start to wonder how far does this go on. I know for a fact it does go on for awhile in my family. This is Charles William...
I was having a cup of coffee, with my husband Tom, in our living room and watching the television, when breaking news came on. Katie Couric and Matt Lauer were telling us over and over when the first plane hit tower 1. We immediately called our sons, Justin and Tyler and...
I've written my accounting of where I was on 9-11. But, this morning I sit with Christine watching the build up to the 10th anniversary ceremonies at the three historic locations. We spent the evening last night watching beautifully produced documentaries about the attacks. I had to write this because I...
Brad Hill was the GM of LTA Media, my marketing company on 9-11. He was on his way to Los Angeles to meet a new client, flying at 30,000 feet above Memphis, Tennessee when he heard the strangest announcement over the intercom. The pilot said they had to land immediately and...
My brother and I started an off-road apparel company called Dirty Left Elbow and at our first event to launch the company we chose a charitable event called Rocktoberfest over in North Carolina. It was in November of 2009. We, along with all the other vendors, were supposed...
I remember thinking as I drove to the downtown school where I taught court reporting, what a perfect autumn day it was, a cloudless sky on September 11, 2001 in Columbus, Ohio. That morning I was assisting the head teacher as we read Q&A for high speed students preparing for graduation. Around 10:30 that morning a member of...
My parents were in control of what movies I was allowed to see! No scary ones were allowed, so I saw love stories and musicals. These were the days of great MGM spectaculars with loads of girls in colorful costumes dancing down stairs as the main character entered last. There realy...
My great-great grandmother Susan Barton Lutz was born in 1838, the year Queen Victoria was crowned Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. Ladies wore their hair in ringlets while indoors and covered with lavishly trimmed bonnets when outdoors. Dresses were designed with sloping shoulders, full sleeves and full skirts often...
The Week From Hell – September 2001 Perhaps those of you living in the USA might wonder why the week that included the infamous 9/11/2001 should resonate so strongly with an Australian woman living in Adelaide at the time? However, that week is indelibly etched into my consciousness very clearly, with...
Charles & Carolyn Spratt with our two sons 1978 about a year before her death. March 28 1979 is a date that will live on in the memories of my family for ever . That is the date that my first wife , the mother of my first two son’s died...