Working for Taco Bell was quite an experience . Taco’s and Burrito’s were 29 cents . the reason the charged 29 cents were so when you added a penny sales tax it came out to an even 30 cents and it was easier to make change . Crazy theory but that...
The first year I was in high School band the band director was more interested in being a state senator than being a director which he became the next year . the next year the school district hired a highly energetic director that wanted to be a director . We went...
During my high school band career I had a lot of wonderful memories . Getting to school before the rest of the kids , practicing the football field shows , practicing marching down the streets and making turns at the street corners to make it look sharp ,dressing up the stage...
World War II ended on August 6, 1945. “The boys” began coming home, all of them that ever would, anyway within weeks. From the moment they arrived all they had on their minds was getting a new car, new clothes, a job, and making babies and not necessarily in that order. ...
When I got back from Viet Nam I had enough money saved up to buy me a car . My father and I went to the Chevy dealer and looked at some late model used cars . This was the fall of 1968 and I found a beautiful 1962 Pontiac Tempest...
ANSWER THIS LEGACY QUESTION: WHAT PROUD ACCOMPLISHMENT DID YOU SHARE TOGETHER WITH A FRIEND, COLLEAGUE OR FAMILY MEMBER? Write or record a sentence, paragraph or page. It's like therapy for the soul. September Story Topic: FAMILY LIFE TIP: Click on " View Stories " to read inspiring legacy stories for ideas...
And under the judge's glaring eyes, my lawyer and I departed the courtroom.
I guess I was like the little Honda Motorcycle the 60’s song sings about . Ist year your alright 2 nd year your well I guess you get the message . 1 st grade I did great in school 2 nd grade I was doing real good 3 rd grade...
Second grade their was cute girl name Linda McDaniel . Blonde hair , blue eyes .Her father owned a second hand furniture store in the neighbor hood and she lived next door to it . I decided one day to walk out of my way ten blocks and walk her home...
After my first wife had died her two sister’s ; brother ; and closest cousin and I all decided to stay in contact with each other no matter what . I would go to visit all of them regularly every time I was down . I always gave them my address...
A few months after I married my current wife my step daughter and I were going some place to do an errand. She was seven at the time. She was three years old when her father had died with a heart attack. We were driving down the road and I told...
When I got out of the Army I came home to live with my parents . I had a job shortly after I got home working during the week , but week ends were free to do with what I wanted to do . My Daddy decided he wanted to add...
I had a very very special childhood . When I was growing up it never entered my mind that there was any other way than the way I was growing up . I had a Mommy , I had a Daddy , My Mommy stayed home , My Daddy worked ,...
I think back over the years when I was a kid that my Daddy whipped me for getting into trouble with his big strong arms . Working in the oilfield pipeline business you really really strong and my Daddy showed it . But as he got older I started noticing how...
In December of my senior year at Bristol High a group of my girl friends all got together, secured dates and began preparation of what to wear! I made my evening gown of red taffeta covered with two layers of white net. It was strapless. I was so proud of tis accomplishment. My date...
I’ve learned over the years that no matter what the circumstances are . Let God take care of your problems . I tried many times to take care of my problems my self and I always failed and made a mess out of it . It took me a bad marriage...
About the first of April 1988 I met my current wife . A wonderful woman and mother to my two son’s . Again If you want to meet some one with your like interest go do the things you like to do . How are you going to meet some one...
After I had got a job and settled in St Louis area my girl friend and I was getting pretty serious with each other . the following April after I had moved to St Louis I took her down to meet my Mom and Dad . On the way back...
They always told me that if you wanted to meet some one that you will like go do something that you like to do . The only thing is I like to stay home . How are you supposed to meet some one if you stay at home? I had heard...
After my wife died and it was left up to me to cook ; wash the dishes ; do the laundry ; clean the house for me and two son’s ages six and four I learned what my wife had done with her time . after doing a forty hour week...