Moving Back To Oklahoma

After my wife died and it was left up to me to cook ; wash the dishes ; do the laundry ; clean the house for me and two son’s ages six and four I learned what my wife had done with her time . after doing a forty hour week at work and coming home every night and doing chores at home and on the week ends I was starting to get exhausted . Finnally  when I did the laundry  ( I had a Washer but no dryer ; I hung them on a closeline ) I would start bringing the clothes in and throw them on the bed . After about a month if we wanted clean clothes we had to dig through the clothes on the bed to find them . The closets were empty ; the drawers were empty ; every thing we had was on the bed wadded up in a pile . Finnally I said “ that is enough . “ I spent one whole week end folding and putting away clothes . I still do my own laundry and to this day it gets put up when it is done . Before my wife died people would ask me where does your wife work ? I would say “she doesn’t work .” Boy was I wrong .

After about a year of loneiness  and being by myself I started to date a divorced woman that had five children of her own . What a circus . It was fun but Holy Cow . We went fishing one time with my seven year old and five year old ; her six year old ; four year old ; eight year old ten year old and a twelve year old . The only thing we did was untangle lines . We dated about four months until her and husband got back together .

It was summer time then and I decided to move back to Oklahoma to be around my family because my good job had wanted to start working the midnight shift like I was hired to do and I couldn’t work midnights and take care of two son’s . So I moved to Tulsa Oklahoma where my brother lived .    

Moving To St Louis
How I Got Saved

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Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 21:29

I can identify with spending a nice day out fishing with the kinds and all you did was untangle the lines. Hilarious!! So sad you lost your wife. What sudden turning point in your life.

I can identify with spending a nice day out fishing with the kinds and all you did was untangle the lines. Hilarious!! So sad you lost your wife. What sudden turning point in your life.
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Thursday, 28 July 2011 23:14

Our oldest son divorced his first wife because she was completely unsupportive of his career plans. But then . . . he married a female (no lady) with FIVE kids and made the mistake of ADOPTING them. She turned out to be an unmitigated "for free" whore. He divorced her and ended up paying child support for YEARS. He finally married a third time and has a great lady who is totally supportive. His adopted "kids" got old enough to end the child support about five years ago. I thank God that Anne & I have hung in together for 55 years. It's taken a lot of marriage counseling, lots of tough times, but we're together. Our oldest daughter also ended up divorced, but she's never re-married.

Our oldest son divorced his first wife because she was completely unsupportive of his career plans. But then . . . he married a female (no lady) with FIVE kids and made the mistake of ADOPTING them. She turned out to be an unmitigated "for free" whore. He divorced her and ended up paying child support for YEARS. He finally married a third time and has a great lady who is totally supportive. His adopted "kids" got old enough to end the child support about five years ago. I thank God that Anne & I have hung in together for 55 years. It's taken a lot of marriage counseling, lots of tough times, but we're together. Our oldest daughter also ended up divorced, but she's never re-married.