Moving To St Louis

They always told me that if you wanted to meet some one that you will like go do something that you like to do . The only thing is I like to stay home . How are you supposed to meet some one if you stay at home? I had heard about these singles ad’s in the newspapers before and I wondered what they were like . I decided to look at some . I found one that sounded interesting so I wrote her a letter . She wrote me a letter back and we corresponded back and forth several times exchanged phone numbers and got to know each other . The only thing was she lived in another state . After several months of writing to each other she decided that she wanted to drive down and meet me . She drove down 400 miles with two older brothers and we all went for a ride around Tulsa looking at the sights. She came back home and we kept on writing and calling each other . I know it sounds stupid but it is the truth . I was a pretty strong Christian at that time and I asked the pastor of the church I was going to “ How do you know what God is wanting you to do ? “ He said “ If you feel comfortable doing it ; then do it “ It was summer time ; my kids was out of school ; I wanted to move ; I prayed for guidance from God ; I had a station wagon  that was fourteen years old . I folded the backseat down loaded it from the backseat all the way to the back . Mattress and box springs on top . The rear springs was bouncing off of the rear axle . And for 400 miles that old car never missed a lick .

When I moved up to St Louis Missouri I didn’t know that every one was being laid off from work and people was moving down south to get work . And here I was moving up here to try and find a job . It took me several months and if it had not been for the kindness of my girl friends parents I probably would not have made it . But I finally found a job repairing copying machines for a Toshiba Dealer . He had a service department of four service technicians and three of them had walked out on him . I worked for him a little over a year and then I discovered why the other service technicians walked out on him . He was a CROOK  . I ended up working for five different dealers in the course of twenty two years one of the companies was my own  before calling it quits and being forced to retire with medical problems .

My BIG Mistake
Moving Back To Oklahoma

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Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 21:25

You have been a survivor Charles. I like your tenacity. You accept what you have been dealt and get on with it.

You have been a survivor Charles. I like your tenacity. You accept what you have been dealt and get on with it.
Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 21:26

You have been a survivor Charles. I like your tenacity. You accept what you have been dealt and get on with it.

You have been a survivor Charles. I like your tenacity. You accept what you have been dealt and get on with it.