Mepco Electra had hired me to be the night plant maintenance man after a short training period . We had lived in Mineral Wells about two months and life was looking up pretty good but something was missing . We wanted a little girl in our lives . So we decided to have another baby . Hopefully a little girl . We decided her name would be Teresa Marie . After my boss found out that my wife was pregnant he said I could stay on the day shift until the baby was here . I said OK . Time went by month by month and every thing looked good . My oldest son was in first grade ; my youngest son was in headstart  and on on the morning of  March 28 1979 my oldest son’s sixth birthday I went to work my wife walked my oldest son to the school bus stop ; came back home waited for the headstart bus to pick up my youngest son for school ; and about 11 AM my wife called me at work and said “ It’s time to go to the hospital “. I came home drove her to the hospital and they took her in . They called the doctor , and he came down . they had her in a room and all of a sudden every one started running full speed  with a crash cart to her room . The doctor came back out and said “ WE LOST HER “. I said what do you mean she is dead ? He said “ Yes “ I ask him what had happened . He explained it to me later that the baby had turned side ways in the womb and kicked and ruptured the womb . My wife bleed to death before they could do any thing and the baby drowned in it’s own blood .

I had to tell my two son’s ( my oldest one on his birthday ) that their mother wasn’t coming home any more

How I Got Saved
Starting My Family

Comments 1

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Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 21:38

OMG!!! I don't know what to say Charles. We all suffer our share of pain but this is truly as sad as it gets. Such a major blow to a young family at what should be the most joyous time. So sad!! Geez!

OMG!!! I don't know what to say Charles. We all suffer our share of pain but this is truly as sad as it gets. Such a major blow to a young family at what should be the most joyous time. So sad!! Geez!