A Child's Garden
Early in our marriage, Orser put a lawn into the back yard of the home we were renting. There remained a bit of bare earth just to the left of the back door. I found a packet of seed labeled Children's Garden and asked him to put it in. They came in just as if they had been carefully planted instead of strewn. The plot was probably no more than four feet wide. In the very front was sweet allysum, low and dainty and fragrant. Behind that were low stalks of fuzzy, colorful coleus. Next were some standard garden flowers; perhaps zinnias or cosmos - I don't remember. And in the back, above everything, were sunflowers. That was in 1ate1974. Only today, nearly forty years later has it occurred to me to wonder if he hand picked out of the package for those perfect results. He didn't garden, but might well have remembered from his years of helping his mother in her flower garden as a child. At any rate, the results were enchanting. And his history as a gardener is still another story, well worth telling.