Black/White Movie

Wait Until Dark

My favorite black/white movie is Wait Until Dark, with Audrey Hepburn.    I first saw it when I was living in Louisville, Kentucky in the early 1970’s.   I had an old tv that my friend Pat Elliott had given me.   It was pretty pitiful, but I could see fairly well.   I was living alone, and the movie was very scary, and watching it alone made it scarier.

The story line was essentially:   Audrey Hepburn was blind, had been given a doll that contained heroin (by mistake) and the drug dealers were after her to get the doll.   Her husband was gone and she was left alone.   She knew her apartment perfectly, and this was her great advantage over anyone trying to harm her.

When the drug dealer eventually finds her, traps her in her apartment,  she manages to win the day by leveling the playing field when she puts everything in the dark by unpluging the frig, using her sense of hearing and is able to stab the guy before he can kill her.  

Audrey Hepburn, such a superb actress, so lovely, so believable, and playing a blind person to perfection.   Plus it scared the living daylights of out me.   I can watch this movie over and over and am still scared stiff.

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Administrator (website) on Thursday, 11 October 2012 20:50

I completely forgot about this movie Brenda. I too was riveted. One classic for sure!

I completely forgot about this movie Brenda. I too was riveted. One classic for sure!
Golden V. Adams Jr. (website) on Monday, 15 October 2012 21:15

Now that you brought it up again, it's time for me to see it once again--this time with my wife. It's a great movie and I know what you mean about being scared each time you view it. Thanks for sharing.

Now that you brought it up again, it's time for me to see it once again--this time with my wife. It's a great movie and I know what you mean about being scared each time you view it. Thanks for sharing.