Cameron's Miracle

Cameron Scott Adams was born 28 Feb 2005 to our oldest son, Aaron, and his wife Lori in Orem, Utah at Timpanogos Regional Medical Center, just a couple of blocks away from where Aaron and Lori were living in their newly renovated duplex.  Cameron was their firstborn, and he was a healthy baby when he was delivered.  However, when he was a couple of weeks old, it just didn't seem like he was well.  He wouldn't nurse, and just didn't act right.  Aaron and Lori, both nurses, sensed that something was wrong.

As they took him to the doctor, the doctor indicated that they just needed to feed him Pedialyte to keep him hydrated and that it was probably influenza.  But Lori had worked at the hospital as an out-patient nurse and Aaron was working as a heart catharization nurse.  They decided that since Cameron was failing, they needed to take him to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City to see if they could determine what was wrong.

Aaron wanted to administer to Cameron and give him a blessing, but he didn't have a companion who also held the Melchizedek Priesthood in order to do so. As they were ready to leave our oldest daughter, Chantel, and her husband, Joseph, stopped by their duplex for a visit.  Aaron and Lori indicated that they were just headed to Primary Children's.  Before they left, Aaron and Joseph administered to Cameron using the authority of the Priesthood they bore as Elders.  Joe and Chantel never came to visit them, but here they were--a miracle in itself.  With that, Aaron, Lori, and Cameron left for Salt Lake.  When they arrived, they took Cameron into Emergency.  Upon examination, it was found that his heart had been attacked by a virus.  His organs were beginning to shut down and they were told that Cameron may not make it through the night.  He was placed in ICU where this tiny child was fighting for his life! 

As we arrived at the hospital and spent our time in the waiting room, Diane and I along with our son, Matt, we prayed through our tears that everything would be all right.  As we watched Aaron and Lori, the most helpless feeling was that there was really nothing that we could do but pray and leave the outcome in the Lord's hands.

As we were permitted to visit Cameron, his poor little body was so covered with various tubes that we could hardly see him, and we weren't allowed to even touch him.  In fact, for quite some time Lori, his mother, was not even permitted to hold him.

Cameron S. Adams at Primary Children's Hospital with his mother, Lori after the worst of the ordeal was over

Diane saw the anguish and heartbreak of Lori, that she couldn't even hold her baby and Diane told the nurse that this was not good for either Cameron or Lori.  Finally, with reluctance, Lori was able to hold Cameron for short periods of time.  From this point, things seemed to get a bit better.

As soon as we got home, our immediate family was notified.  We knelt in the living room in family prayer with tears and great humility petitioning the Lord to spare the life of our dear, sweet Cameron, according to His will.  We phoned extended family and notified them of the situation and asked that they join with us in fasting and prayer.  I emailed my cousin, Jerry Benton in Georgia, and told him of the situation.  Within a day or two, I was notifed by a return email from Jerry that he and his wife and their Baptist congregation in Georgia had placed Cameron's name on their prayer roll and that they were praying for him.  We also placed his name in the Provo LDS Temple on the prayer roll there.  The support and love that we all felt was overwhelming.

After a very long two weeks, Cameron was allowed to come home, but the doctors said that he only had a small percentage of his heart function, and medications were to be administered, probably for the remainder of his life.  Once home, Aaron and his Priesthood leaders and members of our family gave Cameron a name and a blessing, and Aaron pronounced the blessing.  He blessed Cameron with health and strength and gave thanks for his recovery to that point.  He noted that since it was possible that Cameron could be taken at any time, he enjoy each day of his life to the fullest.  To all of us, that he was recovering was a miracle!

Over the next three years, Cameron's heart was monitored closely, and medications were administered.  His heart functions improved.  With each declaration by the doctors that his heart function had improved incrementally, we were especially elated when 60% of heart funciton was declared.  At this percentage of heart function, a person could live a somewhat normal life.

We learned that faith precedes the miracle!  After about three years of medication and constant monitoring, Cameron was declared cured!  His heart function was normal without medication.  We learned how fragile life is, and the thought constantly comes to mind, "Life is fragile....handle with prayer!"  Cameron was given the gift of life, our family was brought closer together, and we witnessed the caring of a loving Heavenly Father, who grants such miraculous blessings in our lives.

Cameron S. Adams, Age 6

Last year, Cameron asked about this experience and his parents shared photographs and the story of his heart condition.  This came as a result of a lesson at church.  Cameron revealed that Jesus held him close and comforted him during the time he was at Primary Children's Hospital for he recognized him from the pictures and the lesson he experienced some six years after the fact!  I do believe in miracles as I have witnessed such in the lives of my children and grandchildren.


A Tale of Two Miracles
DikDik is (was) a millionaire

Comments 6

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Patricia White (website) on Sunday, 15 January 2012 06:13

Golden, thank you for sharing the miracle of Cameron's survival!

Golden, thank you for sharing the miracle of Cameron's survival!
Administrator (website) on Monday, 16 January 2012 18:03

Boy, when you look at Cameron's baby picture with his big wide eyes it's hard to see him so grown up with big blue eyes. This must've scared your family to death. So helpless yet such innocence. Thank God he let him live. There must be a good reason and I'm sure Cam will find it.

Boy, when you look at Cameron's baby picture with his big wide eyes it's hard to see him so grown up with big blue eyes. This must've scared your family to death. So helpless yet such innocence. Thank God he let him live. There must be a good reason and I'm sure Cam will find it.
Susan Darbro (website) on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 02:08

What a cutie! I don't think the Lord wastes our pain - after all, He says ALL things work to the good of those that love Him, right? No doubt your family's faith was strengthened and surely all of us would see His great mercy, lovingkindness and compassion at work here.

What a cutie! I don't think the Lord wastes our pain - after all, He says ALL things work to the good of those that love Him, right? No doubt your family's faith was strengthened and surely all of us would see His great mercy, lovingkindness and compassion at work here.
Charles William Spratt (website) on Thursday, 19 January 2012 17:43

All I can say is " Praise god"

All I can say is " Praise god"
Joyce Stone (website) on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 23:11

This is beautiful! Send it to the Ensign

This is beautiful! Send it to the Ensign
Janet Holt (website) on Thursday, 12 April 2012 14:38

What a beautiful child! And what a beautiful story--thank you for sharing it with us.

What a beautiful child! And what a beautiful story--thank you for sharing it with us.