Chapter 9 - Equal To Our Challenges

“If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. … if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Ether 12:27.


One of the benefits that I have realized through my callings in the church is that anything can be accomplished with the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I know that my Heavenly Fathers wants me to succeed and has given me any tool that I may need to make things work out for the benefit of all.

I had only been married a couple of years when I was asked to substitute teach in Primary. Having no experience, I had no fear so I accepted the call. I prepared the lesson and went into the classroom feeling fully prepared. What I was about to experience would change my life and what I thought of myself for many years.

I was teaching the eleven- year old girls and one girl happened to be a nonmember, and the type of person that wanted to challenge everything. I was not prepared the way of thought I was, and soon learned that I had no control over the class. Those girls walked all over me and when I went home I was as humble as anyone could get. I vowed that I would never teach children again. My personality was too serious for them and I talked right over their heads.

Several months later, the bishop called me to be a counselor in the Primary Presidency over that group of girls. I told him that there was no way that I could do it. I explained to him the experience I had and said that they would never respect me in that position. The bishop explained to me that the position itself would demand respect and that I would do just fine.

I was terrified when I went into that calling. Months went by and I thought things were going pretty good when I got a phone call just hours before Primary from a teacher that could not be there. It was the teacher for the eleven- year old girls. I went cold all over. I thought, ” I can’t do it. It is going to be a disaster.” I prayed like I had never prayed before seeking for help in giving that lesson. I was hoping that the little non-member would not show up. The lesson was on gifts and talents so I phoned all of the parents and asked them about each girl.

When I arrived at Primary, I found that all of the girls were there including the non-member. I was afraid, to say the least. As I entered the classroom the girls were seated in a semi-circle ready for the lesson. After the prayer I began my lesson and that was when the most amazing experience I had ever had occurred. It was as though someone else stepped in and was teaching the lesson. I felt as though I could have taken a step back and just watched. It was so powerful. When the girls started to challenge what was being taught, words came to me that defused any contention and brought a spirit that each girl felt and responded to. All questions were answered and satisfactorily for the girls.

The spirit in that classroom was incredible and all of us came out of that room spiritually edified. I learned the power of prayer, and that my Father In Heaven had heard my plea for help and was there.

Many years later, I was called to teach the seven-eight years olds in Primary. The bishop knew of my concerns with teaching children, but felt that was where I belonged. I accepted the call and for the next two years I learned to love both those children and teaching. Both the children and I had some of the most spiritual experiences we could have had. There were times when I saw the light of Christ enter them and they knew what I was teaching was true. I knew from that point on that no matter what calling my Heavenly Father would give me, He would be there to make me successful in it if I did my best and trusted in Him.  I have had many more such experiences throughout my life in the various callings I have had, and have seen many miracles by exercising my faith in Him.

Another experience I would like to share happened recently. I was going to work with Melanie one day when I needed another miracle. Melanie’s back had been out for over a week and she was just getting back to work. Her employer had let her purchase a new chair to help her out at work, but she could not carry it from the car to her office.

We carpooled together, so I knew that it would be my responsibility to get the chair up to her office, but I also knew that I could not do it alone.  At 6:30 in the morning we were usually by ourselves when I dropped her off, so I could not figure out how I was going to get that chair up to her office. I had a prayer before I left for work and I asked my Father in Heaven if He would provide a man that could help me when I got to her work.

I never told anyone about it until I arrived at her place of employment. There in the parking lot was a red car. As I parked, I noticed that a young man got out of the car. I was overwhelmed by the answer to my prayer. I quickly asked him if he could help me and the two of us carried the chair up to Melanie's office.

I was so overcome with gratitude that I was in tears. I told Melanie what had just happened and how grateful I was for the answer to my prayer. My heart was full of joy and gratitude, once again, for the reassurance that He is there to help me when I need it in any circumstance.


Chapter 10 - Prayer in the Everyday World
Chapter 8 - Understanding Faith

Comments 1

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Administrator (website) on Sunday, 17 July 2011 23:10

I can tell you have the heart of an angel and deserve the prayers you have answered. Beautifully told.

I can tell you have the heart of an angel and deserve the prayers you have answered. Beautifully told.