Christine & Tom courtship...

One late summer evening August 25, 1968 I met a boy named Tommy Cormier. He was wearing Striped bell bottoms and a cotton shirt. I had a summer dress on as it was hot that evening. My sister said there was someone waiting at the door to see me. When I went to the door there he was with the biggest smile from ear to ear and big blue eyes! Are you Chrissy he asked? Yes I am, would you like to come in? Now I can't remember if Tommy came in that first day but I do remember talking to him out on the front porch till very late in the evening. We talked about the fact that he would be leaving soon to go into the Marines on the Buddy plan with his friend Nick Russo. I told him I was taking college classes and I wanted to become a nurse. We talked about music and the Beatles who we both loved and would have a favorite song attached to our courtship, "Hey Jude". We decided to go for an ice cream somewhere on this first date with my sister Sue and her boyfriend Bobby Gay who drove Tommy to my house that day to meet me. Tommy made me laugh so hard I could cry! I knew he was very special and he asked if I would write to him after he was in the Marines. I said I would and when he kissed me goodnight I could feel a tingling sensation all over my body!!!! I said to myself that I would marry this boy as this must have been a sign!

The next day Tommy and I would with my Fathers permission head out to P Town. Tommy actually let me drive his Studebaker Lark on our trip back home. I had never driven before and while I was driving he fell asleep and I was not paying much attention to anything but staying between the lines, I drove way past our exit and Tommy had to hurry to get me home before his Studebaker turned into a pumpkin, not really, I had a curfew and he was trying to make a good impression with my Father, Wally. For the next 5 days Tommy came over and we played cards, Kings and went bowling and met Tommy's friend Jimmy Carroll. Tom left for Boot Camp on September 3, 1968. As I wrote on the calendar Boo Hoo!!!! Tommy said he'd write, so I keep waiting!! When "Hey Jude comes on the radio it reminds me of him and saddens me that he's gone. I am a believer in talking to God so that's what I'm praying for; please tell Tommy to write!

Well by September 19, Guess who writes???? Yup, Tommy, it was like the Christmas story when Ralphy goes into the bathroom to figure out the secret code on his Little Orphan Annie dial. Yup I ran into the bathroom and read the card, even though it was just a post card I felt like it was another sign from God! I couldn't wait to write back and start our long distance courtship.


There were many letters to follow this one and our long distant relationship was about to blossom!

Again I was so thrilled to get this letter, I quickly wrote back but with the photo he wanted too.

Now it was Tommy's turn to send me a photo. I'm wearing the neclace he sent me.

That is my handsome Marine with his deer in the headlights look! I just love him!



My Best Friend
Crushes - A Young Girl's First Pangs of Love

Comments 17

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Administrator (website) on Thursday, 11 August 2011 00:05

Honey, this story reminds me of why I love you so much. I actually forgot about 90% of what you just wrote, I'm ashamed to say. But, now I feel like it's brand new and I appreciate it so much. What a beautiful story!! You know I've told my version of it which is nearly polar opposite from a young man's perspective. I enjoy embellishing the scenes. But I am completely humbled by this account. Excellent!!

Honey, this story reminds me of why I love you so much. I actually forgot about 90% of what you just wrote, I'm ashamed to say. But, now I feel like it's brand new and I appreciate it so much. What a beautiful story!! You know I've told my version of it which is nearly polar opposite from a young man's perspective. I enjoy embellishing the scenes. But I am completely humbled by this account. Excellent!!
Christine Cormier on Thursday, 22 September 2011 11:43

Thanks Babe for reading my story in your very busy day, love, Me

Thanks Babe for reading my story in your very busy day, love, Me
Annie Payne (website) on Thursday, 11 August 2011 04:57

What a wonderful story Christine, and great to be able to read both sides of the same event. THIS is what Personal History is all about.

What a wonderful story Christine, and great to be able to read both sides of the same event. THIS is what Personal History is all about.
Christine Cormier on Thursday, 22 September 2011 11:42

Thank you Annie for taking the time to read my story, love, Christine

Thank you Annie for taking the time to read my story, love, Christine
Charles William Spratt (website) on Thursday, 11 August 2011 16:16

Being able to red both sides . It is a beuitiful love story .

Being able to red both sides . It is a beuitiful love story .
Christine Cormier on Thursday, 22 September 2011 11:44

Thank you Charles for reading my story and leaving your comment, love, Christine

Thank you Charles for reading my story and leaving your comment, love, Christine
Christine Cormier (website) on Thursday, 22 September 2011 11:40

Thank you Tommy, Charles and Annie for taking the time to read my story, love, Christine

Thank you Tommy, Charles and Annie for taking the time to read my story, love, Christine
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Friday, 20 January 2012 20:50

I really enjoyed reading the letters. Romance is WONDERFUL. No one can explain love, nor can it truly be defined. It is "felt." Thanks for sharing.

I really enjoyed reading the letters. Romance is WONDERFUL. No one can explain love, nor can it truly be defined. It is "felt." Thanks for sharing.
Christine Cormier (website) on Saturday, 21 January 2012 00:09

Thanks Millard!

Thanks Millard!
Dick Pellek (website) on Saturday, 21 January 2012 12:49

Now, this is what is meant by cherishing memories. Thank you, Christine, for sharing such a deeply personal account of your legacy story.

Now, this is what is meant by cherishing memories. Thank you, Christine, for sharing such a deeply personal account of your legacy story.
Janice Coover (website) on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 23:41

Great job in recounting your first meeting as well as the continued "courtship", Christine. Loved the pictures!! What a treasure for you to still have the letters - and now to have them archived forever!!

Great job in recounting your first meeting as well as the continued "courtship", Christine. Loved the pictures!! What a treasure for you to still have the letters - and now to have them archived forever!!
Golden V. Adams Jr. (website) on Friday, 10 February 2012 13:24

Christine, We missed not having you with Tom and Justin here in Utah this past weekend! Your story tells so much about you and having met both Tom and Justin, I can see why they are like they are--your love and story really shows how much you love Tom and, of course, your family merits the same. Thank you for sharing. Seeing both sides of the same story is powerfully amazing.

Christine, We missed not having you with Tom and Justin here in Utah this past weekend! Your story tells so much about you and having met both Tom and Justin, I can see why they are like they are--your love and story really shows how much you love Tom and, of course, your family merits the same. Thank you for sharing. Seeing both sides of the same story is powerfully amazing.
Sharon Gubbay Helfer (website) on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 20:43

Wow, what a beautiful thing you have done here! It is so touching and amazing to feel the young people meeting, to actually see the letters ... and to be super clear that a young guy's version is way different from that of the young girl ... All SO real and such an incredible bit of history too ... Merci Christine!

Wow, what a beautiful thing you have done here! It is so touching and amazing to feel the young people meeting, to actually see the letters ... and to be super clear that a young guy's version is way different from that of the young girl ... All SO real and such an incredible bit of history too ... Merci Christine!
Christine Cormier (website) on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 23:11

Thank you Sharon and that's the truth on how men and women see love.

Thank you Sharon and that's the truth on how men and women see love.
Sharon Gubbay Helfer (website) on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 20:44

p.s. I just love that photo of you

p.s. I just love that photo of you
Christine Cormier (website) on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 23:13

Thank you I just loved that time of my life!

Thank you I just loved that time of my life!
Sharon Gubbay Helfer (website) on Tuesday, 02 April 2013 23:41

all so lovely and a pleasure to be in touch

:D all so lovely and a pleasure to be in touch :)