Ebook - "Ersula's Essays" - About Life Transitions


Today we would say "1970 was a game changer for me." In reality, my world changed. I moved from the safety of my grandmother's back yard and my segregated school into a world where I had to talk to people who didn't look like me. I put my feelings to paper about "The Impact of School Integration on Black Students" and won a much needed college book scholarship for my freshman year.

A few years ago someone spoke the words "Rite of Passage" to me and off I went into a world of possibilities about what I had heard and what I know.

What a blessing it is when someone sees in you what you don't see in yourself.  A friend literately badgered me into applying for the Florida Humanities  Council's "Road Scholar's" program portraying Dr. Bethune. Now a legend guides me with her words and "Through Me She Lives".

Through it all, what is my foundation for joy is my beloved "Rhythm Memory."

For your personal ebook visit http://amzn.to/IAXH05.

Predicitons for the future...
Family Reunions - Reynolds Family

Comments 7

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Administrator (website) on Friday, 30 March 2012 14:03

These writings would be great for our members to read Ersula. I hope you can post them from time to time. And, when someone wants to get them all I assume you have a way for them to find that too right? This is what I love most about Legacy Stories. Learning about life as an African American girl, a Puerto Rican family, a Mormon, Jew or Hindu, all of these things broaden our perspectives and respect for one another. Thank you for your contribution to the archive!!

These writings would be great for our members to read Ersula. I hope you can post them from time to time. And, when someone wants to get them all I assume you have a way for them to find that too right? This is what I love most about Legacy Stories. Learning about life as an African American girl, a Puerto Rican family, a Mormon, Jew or Hindu, all of these things broaden our perspectives and respect for one another. Thank you for your contribution to the archive!!
Susan Darbro (website) on Saturday, 31 March 2012 18:38

Love you book cover, Ersula!

Love you book cover, Ersula!
Administrator (website) on Saturday, 05 May 2012 13:55

Do you have a profile photo? The one on the book cover is perfect!

Do you have a profile photo? The one on the book cover is perfect!
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Monday, 07 May 2012 16:30

Such writing is an exemplar of why people should put the experiences of their life on paper. I intend to read your e-book Ursula because I cannot even begin to imagine the challenges you faced. For better or worse, in terms of making me who I am, I grew up in a completely "Lily White" small town in KS. Not only "White Only," but also completely "Non-Ethnic." Everyone I knew until I went to college was Caucasian and "mongrelized" Americans. Race and Ethnic background were totally foreign to me. So even at my age I am sure I have much to learn from you. Thanks.

Such writing is an exemplar of why people should put the experiences of their life on paper. I intend to read your e-book Ursula because I cannot even begin to imagine the challenges you faced. For better or worse, in terms of making me who I am, I grew up in a completely "Lily White" small town in KS. Not only "White Only," but also completely "Non-Ethnic." Everyone I knew until I went to college was Caucasian and "mongrelized" Americans. Race and Ethnic background were totally foreign to me. So even at my age I am sure I have much to learn from you. Thanks.
erSula @ Sula Too LLC (website) on Wednesday, 09 May 2012 02:48

Thank you. There is a link to the ebook included. I can totally relate from the opposite viewpoint. I grew up in a community surrounded by fields and then woods. Rode a bus for an hour to school.
I have just these kinds of conversations on my radio show every Sunday at five onhttp://www.kepxradio.com call Princess Memories. Will probably prerecord Mother's show which gives me an extended opportunity to talk about Legacy Stories. I just love talking to people who have different experiences than I do. I will send my phone number to you. Maybe you can be a guest.

Thank you. There is a link to the ebook included. I can totally relate from the opposite viewpoint. I grew up in a community surrounded by fields and then woods. Rode a bus for an hour to school. I have just these kinds of conversations on my radio show every Sunday at five onwww.kepxradio.com call Princess Memories. Will probably prerecord Mother's show which gives me an extended opportunity to talk about Legacy Stories. I just love talking to people who have different experiences than I do. I will send my phone number to you. Maybe you can be a guest.
Janet Holt (website) on Wednesday, 09 May 2012 02:11

I second Tom's suggestion that you share some of your writings from time to time because I'm sure we can all learn from them.

I second Tom's suggestion that you share some of your writings from time to time because I'm sure we can all learn from them.
erSula @ Sula Too LLC (website) on Wednesday, 09 May 2012 02:55

Thanks, I'm working on this as a business showcase. Most of my personal stories will be under Ersula Odom

Thanks, I'm working on this as a business showcase. Most of my personal stories will be under Ersula Odom