Faith in Every Footstep

The question " What do I know about the faith of my grandparents?" is a powerful question. I have asked myself many times, "Can I live up to the legacy of the faith they exhibited?" "Can I pass to my future generations an example of the faith that they showed in bringing forth truth?" I chose to share the faith of my third great-grandfather, William Huntington.

He was born in Toland, Connecticut 19 Sept 1757. I will quote from his journal: "In 1816, I experienced religion, as was called in those days, united with the Presbyterians [and] walked with them some fourteen years in good standing. In said time, the spirit of the Lord called my mind into action in various respects. First: to abstain from all intoxicating liquors, hot drinks and tobacco. When I had accomplished this great object, my mind was then in a situation to look into the situations of the churches which were extant upon the face of the earth. I found the Prophet is or had seen what should come in the last days. That darkness should cover the Earth and gross darkness, the minds of the people.

About 1832, I was moved upon by the spirit of God to look into the situation of the churches. I found the ordinances changed [and] the covenants broken. The fear of [p.2] God was taught by [the] precepts of men. They had the form of godliness, but deined the power thereof. From such things, I felt my duty to turn away. I withdrew from the church [Presbyterians] [and] stood alone. I searched the scriptures daily. [I] found the faith once delivered to the saints was not among men. The power of [the priesthood] was lost. In searching the scriptures and history, I found where it [the priesthood] was gone or, in other words, John the Revelator said it had gone into the wilderness. I found in searching the scriptures, that the Church should return, bringing with her the gifts and graces as it formerly had in the Apostle's day. I boldly advocated the gospel as our Savior taught it in his days or as the Apostles taught.

I told the people I believed I should see a church in my day based on the gospel as was in the Apostle's days. In this frame of mind I stood for some two or three years -- anxiously contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. In 1833, I found the Book Of Mormon. I read the book, believed in the book [and felt] that it was what it was represented to be. My mind thus being prepared to receive the gospel accordingly, in the month of April, 1835, myself and my wife both united with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints."

After William Huntington found the church, the price he paid to live what he knew was true was high. He and his famil,y along with all of the saint,s lost everything and were involved in being driven out of their homes with their families over and over again until they were ultimately forced out of Nauvoo under the extermination order of governor Boggs of Illinois and crossed the cold river in the middle of the winter to a new place.

Ulitmately, all of the saints were driven out of the United States--a land based on religious freedom-- and  into a land that no one wanted; a place where they could be safe from persecution. The place was one that Brigham Young saw in a vision before bringing them to what is now Utah. This exodus to the desert land of Utah fulfilled the  prophecies that the desert would blossom as a rose and that people from all over the world would come to the tops of the mountains to be taught. Brigham Young stood at the top of Immigration Canyon, looked over the land and said "This is the right place". 

The faith of William Huntington, and all the saints that gave up everything on their own accord and suffered so much persecution, has given me the incentive to search, ponder, and pray. Discovering the truths that carried my ancestors through some of the most horrifying moments in United States History has given me peace and strength that has and will continue to carry me through my life's challenges.

I can stand with all confidence before anyone and on my own and not only believe, but  know beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day-Saints is the only true and living church upon the face of the earth. There is a prophet at the head of this church that leads us under the direction of our Savior Jesus Christ. This Church has the authorized priesthood authority, restored through the Savior's prophets, Peter, James, and John,  to use  to bless the lives of all who will come unto Him. This legacy is not only for me but for anyone who desires to know the truth and will earnestly pray to know. The Book of Mormon is the Lord's word to us along with the Bible. They both testify and witness that our Saivor and Redeemer of the world lives and he knows us personally. May the power of the Holy Ghost touch your heart and set you on a path of eternal joy.

The Pied Piper Learns a Lesson (First of a Coming ...
For The Birds

Comments 4

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Christine Cormier (website) on Friday, 20 January 2012 23:18

That's pretty powerful!
My best to you, Christine

That's pretty powerful! My best to you, Christine
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Friday, 20 January 2012 23:46

I find it interesting how sincere people can be led to such different conclusions. Sadly that has led to some unfortunate situations.

I find it interesting how sincere people can be led to such different conclusions. Sadly that has led to some unfortunate situations.
Administrator (website) on Monday, 23 January 2012 23:51

Diane, Are you saying you have an actual journal from 1817 with those incredible words? Wow! No wonder you were intrigued enough to investigate further. This is a true indication of the value of recording and preserving life experiences and how they can influence future generations well after we are gone. Excellent!!

Diane, Are you saying you have an actual journal from 1817 with those incredible words? Wow! No wonder you were intrigued enough to investigate further. This is a true indication of the value of recording and preserving life experiences and how they can influence future generations well after we are gone. Excellent!!
Diane J. Adams (website) on Sunday, 29 January 2012 20:44

The actual journal I believe is at the Harold B. Lee Library in Provo, Utah. They made a typescript of it and I have taken it from the typescript copy which was edited for standard grammar.

The actual journal I believe is at the Harold B. Lee Library in Provo, Utah. They made a typescript of it and I have taken it from the typescript copy which was edited for standard grammar.