Funny Mistake In Front Of Many People

It was one of those mornings. I'd been up since 2:30, filling in for the regular morning news anchor. I had that "2:30" feeling around 8am, and I just wasn't focusing properly. I was in the middle of a cut-in, which is a quick 4 minute news update with a brief weather report every half hour on the 25's. At the end, we always threw in a funny story about something going on in the world ( you know, like a dog water skiing, or an alligator in a swimming pool ). This is called the "Kicker".

I began reading my kicker, but soon realized something was wrong. Remember, this is LIVE television. 

It read something like this. 

"School officials in Guam are having a problem with kiids playing hockey. Over the past weeks, attendance numbers have revealed a large spike in hockey. No one is quite sure why so many kids have suddenly decided to play hockey in a relatively short period of time, but the hockey problem seems to be growing. Just last week, hockey numbers have spiked to their highest levels in 7 years. School administrators have scheduled meetings with teachers and students to discuss the issue, but until then, playing hockey seems to be a popular behavior among the children of Guam." 

I was reading it wrong. The word "hockey" was actually "HOOKEY". 

On Being Frugal
To The Job By Horseback

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Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 12:58

Mark this is hilarious!!! The more i read the funnier it got. Hockey in Guam!! I'm still laughing right now. Some of the best moments in TV re when news anchors mess up. That had to be a great one. I wonder if that is tapes anywhere. I'd love to see it. Maybe if so it would be worth embedding into this post. Way too funny!! There must be a ton more of those.

Mark this is hilarious!!! The more i read the funnier it got. Hockey in Guam!! I'm still laughing right now. Some of the best moments in TV re when news anchors mess up. That had to be a great one. I wonder if that is tapes anywhere. I'd love to see it. Maybe if so it would be worth embedding into this post. Way too funny!! There must be a ton more of those.