Maybe Grandpa Sullivan had a reason to be cantankerous

I never really knew my grandfather, John Thomas Sullivan. He died in 1967 when I was two years old, but I was afraid of him anyway. Fearing a dead man may be irrational, but John Sullivan's reputation as a mean, opinionated man transcended life or death. It wasn't until five years ago when I began my genealogy research of the Sullivan family that I realized Grandpa Sullivan probably had good reason to be the way he was.

One Magical Month in Merida- Week One
Lorna's Debutante Jewellery

Comments 2

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Administrator (website) on Saturday, 04 June 2011 14:26

I want to know the reason!! You've got my interest!

I want to know the reason!! You've got my interest!
Dennis Stack (website) on Tuesday, 09 August 2011 06:20

Nice tease, but do let us in on it.

Nice tease, but do let us in on it.