Meaning of true friendship

True friends are ones who are your friends no matter what.  They will be with you in the jail cell as the addage goes, saying "Damn we had a good time!!"  They are the ones there with you through thick and thin.  Those are the most precious of friendships because they are truly rare.

The closest to unconditional love and acceptance is found with my cats and dogs.  Nothing personal to my human friends, but despite their best intentions, their love isn't as pure and true as that of an animal.  Animals don't judge.  They have no conditions and don't hold grudges.  They live in the moment, love completely and fully with all that they are.  I wish more people could be like that!

His Words Were Few, But "Pithy"
If I could visit any relative of my past who would...

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Administrator (website) on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 12:52

I chose the same in my story Suzanna.

I chose the same in my story Suzanna.