My First Date With My Wife

I was discharged out of the Army December 6 1966 . The first thing I did after I went home was  to join the VFW . I started attending their meetings every Friday night and within two weeks I had a job at the local flour mill . I was making quite a bit above minimum wage but being single ; living at home with my parents ; no bills ; snow on the ground ; working outside in 20 degree weather and still sweating unloading 8 boxcars of bulk wheat per day just didn’t cut it for me . I QUIT . I went about another month or two and I started helping a carpenter friend of my parents remodel  houses . That was fine until he had me hanging off the ladder on a two and a half story house painting the eaves of the roof on the gable end . You see . There is two things in this world that I respect very much . SNAKES and HIEGHT . For some reason when I get up on a ladder more that two steps up the ladder starts to shake . I don’t know what’s wrong with the ladder but it does . Any way I decided that their had to be a better way to make a living . Then I guess I got one of the best jobs a person could ask for . I was going to work ar 5 AM frying Do-Nuts at the local bakery . It only paid $60 per week but it had super benefits . ALL YOU CAN EAT  . I would fry Do-Nuts un til they were done then I would help with the daily pie orders . Then when they were done I would help with making the dialy cake orders . He would weigh the cakes and if their wasn’t enough batter to make another cake he would say “ Charles , go wash the pot out “ Of course I had to lick the pot before I washed it . Then he would make the devils food and repeat the process . I especially liked it when their was a lot of batter left over . Then their was the cookies . Couldn’t sell the burn’t ones or the broken ones . That job only lasted six months because his oldest son came basck to work for him and blood is thicker than water . So I ended up working for another bakery in town then another bakery in a neighboring town . The benefits are great at bakeries . But you can’t live on benefits alone . My cousin had introduced me a girl that she worked with . She said that she thought that we might get along OK . I went and met her for the first time and the girl was expecting a nice car . My cousins boyfriend had a Gran Prix that was pretty and shinny . This girl ask my cousin “ What kind of a car does he have ? “ My cousin just told “ Oh just wait until you see it “ This girl almost fell out of chair when she saw it . It was a faded out mint green 1958 Chevy 2 door sedan that had been a State Car . No Back Seat ; No trunk lid . ; Pick up bed replaced the trunk lid ; head liner was ripped out ; Front seat was worn out . Do I need to say more . And you know this girl married me August 27 1972 .

I had a different car by then though . The old Chevy died .  

Starting My Family
Ft Hood Texas

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Administrator (website) on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 21:47

She recognized a quality guy when she saw one. Even if he was fat from eating all those donuts!

She recognized a quality guy when she saw one. Even if he was fat from eating all those donuts!