My Great Grandmother Callie Perdue Lynch

Callie Lynch was my maternal great grandmother who lived her entire life in the same community in central Virginia where she died in 1949.  She was a mother and homemaker and had a husband who adored her. They had four sons and three daughters. 

My memory of her is how thin and slight she was as an elder.  I do not remember her cooking but am told she could set a fine table.  In that day and time there was no fast food, so whatever she prepared got made from 'scratch'.  I am told she did love to cook and did not spare the salt, butter and sugar from her recipes and that her fried apples were the best.

One characteristic of hers that I have inherited, she loved to go barefoot.   In fact the story goes that my grandmother Martha Susan on her wedding day was nervous that her mother would not be properly dressed for the occasion!  Grandma, as she was known, was her own person.

In later life she did become diabetic and needed insulin every day, which she received from my grandmother, who walked a half mile each way to her home for that purpose and later took her into her own home for care. 


Meeting A Young Navajo Artist
Games we played after school

Comments 4

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Administrator (website) on Thursday, 21 June 2012 19:10

Beautiful testimony Pat. Is that you on her lap? What a fantastic picture!

Beautiful testimony Pat. Is that you on her lap? What a fantastic picture!
Golden V. Adams Jr. (website) on Saturday, 23 June 2012 20:04

Pat, isn't it great that you could share your memories of you grandmother in this way? Thanks for sharing!

Pat, isn't it great that you could share your memories of you grandmother in this way? Thanks for sharing!
Patricia White (website) on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 11:16

Thank you for the comment.

Thank you for the comment.
Heirlooms To Go Ltd (website) on Monday, 25 June 2012 19:38

Loved it, Pat!

Loved it, Pat!