My X-Rated Friend Jimmy

When we lived on the Thomas Long Lease I had a friend, Jimmy Cargill, whose family, unbelievably, was even poorer than mine.  Jimmy and I took turns riding my tireless, pedal-less bike until we both learned to stay on it as long as we wanted to.  But Jimmy’s biggest contribution to my life was his role as my first sex-education teacher.

We had a tall old oak tree in our front yard that was just right for climbing.  One day Jimmy and I for lack of anything better to do climbed it.  While sitting on a limb high above the ground, with my brother Gene and his friend Teddy Moore sitting below us, Jimmy told me a dirty joke.  The first one I had ever heard.  It was a raunchy, completely unfunny tale about a young boy whose last name was the "F" word preceding the word "faster." The punch line, a play on words using that unlikely last name, raised a question in my mind that remained unanswered for a long time.  I had no idea what the  word was describing.  Jimmy seemed to; but my masculine pride kept me from asking him to explain the joke.

If I could have changed this experience--
It wasn't a Schwinn. . .

Comments 2

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Administrator (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 17:42

Too much! I can remember the day my father said 'sh**'. He worked everyday in construction and there was no shortage of foul lingo but he never cussed, at least in front of us. Then it happened. We were mortified!! At the same time we were thinking, "Dad's HUMAN!"

Too much! I can remember the day my father said 'sh**'. He worked everyday in construction and there was no shortage of foul lingo but he never cussed, at least in front of us. Then it happened. We were mortified!! At the same time we were thinking, "Dad's HUMAN!"
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 17:53

My dad was also a very "straight arrow, language and actions. The only time I EVER heard him say anything like a cuss word was the day we got the telegram telling us that my brother had been KIA. Dad read it, his eyes teared-up and he said, "Those sonsabitches!" Meaning, of course, the Germans. I unfortunately acquired a potty mouth at a tender age from working on pipeline construction with ne'er-do-wells. Still have to fight it.

My dad was also a very "straight arrow, language and actions. The only time I EVER heard him say anything like a cuss word was the day we got the telegram telling us that my brother had been KIA. Dad read it, his eyes teared-up and he said, "Those sonsabitches!" Meaning, of course, the Germans. I unfortunately acquired a potty mouth at a tender age from working on pipeline construction with ne'er-do-wells. Still have to fight it.