Saturday Night Was Lively

The American Legion Hall was upstairs in the building across the street from the theater.  Most of the time it was used by veterans for meetings, drinking, poker games, and whatever.  Every few weeks, on a Saturday night, the Legion brought in a Country/Western band and held a dance that was open to the public.  Two or three times a year, they brought in big name bands from Tulsa; like Bob Wills, his brother Johnnie Lee Wills or Leon McAuliffe.   On those nights, it was standing room only in the legion hall.  It was off limits to high school kids but on those sultry, pre air-conditioned, midsummer nights; the hall’s windows would be wide open.  The sounds of “good ole boys and gals” whooping it up to the rhythm and melodies of country/western music flooded out the windows and covered main street.

Once in a great while The Legion dance gave us a little extra entertainment on a Saturday night.  Sometimes overheated bodies, lively music, alcohol and lust for another guy's woman reached a critical mass.  When that happened a fight would break out.  Fighting wasn't allowed inside the Legion Hall so the antagonists would tumble down the wooden stairs and out onto the sidewalk where they beat on one another until honor was satisfied.  Then one or both would either go back upstairs or home with nothing more serious than skinned or fractured knuckles, bloody or broken noses, loosened or dislodged teeth and torn clothing.

Once in a great while, if the violence became too much, someone would call our one and only town cop, “Tricky” Troxel. If possible "Tricky" would break it up and send them packing.  If they persisted Tricky arrested them and took them down the alley to our two-celled jail to sober up.

Forgiving Vietnam
At The Movies

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Administrator (website) on Monday, 01 August 2011 21:46

Every town has their idiots don't they?

Every town has their idiots don't they?
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Tuesday, 02 August 2011 00:24

Yes - maybe they stick out a little more in a really small town like I grew up in. I've got a story in the works about our "characters."

Yes - maybe they stick out a little more in a really small town like I grew up in. I've got a story in the works about our "characters."