The Coronel Wants an Officer club NOW

Our first job when we got to Viet Nam was ordered by the Coronels . They wanted an Officers Club built right away . We arrived about the third week in September and about the first of October was when the Monsoon started ( the rainy season ) It rain non stop for about three months any where from a drizzle to a down pour . Our Captain told the Coronels that we would have to wait until the Monsoons were over before we could pour any concrete and Cornels said they wanted their Officers Club built NOW Our Captain being a top ten graduate from West Point said “ Yes Sir “ So we got all of the necessary equipment together Cement mixer ; Cement ; sand ; water trailer ; surveyed the place ; set forms ; leveled them off and proceded to pour concrete on top of 6 inches of mud in the rain . After about a week of waiting we went out took the forms off went around walked on the concrete caved in all of the soft spots ; patched the soft spots ; and proceded to build a wall on top of the concrete pad that we had poured in the rain . We didn’t have to hard of a time doing it because the 16 penny naild drove into the concrete just like they would drive into a 2X4 lumber . So it was real easy to work with . It was about a hundred square foot square building . We built a little stage in there for the enertainer’s and a small bar for the booze a kitchen for the food to be cooked and of course a lot of tables . I guess we must have made the Cornels happy . They left us alone after that .  

My Gaurdian Angel

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Administrator (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 20:25

Of course, build the officer's hall first. the troops are out in the weeds.

Of course, build the officer's hall first. the troops are out in the weeds.