The Days Of Innocence and Fun On TV

      Television was something very unusual when I was growing up.  In fact, my grandparents had one of the first sets in Las Vegas, New Mexico because it was a retirement gift from his friends on the railroad.  Of course it was black and white but we didn't know about colored television then.

    We were thrilled!  Absolutely glued to the TV every evening.  Every show was so innocent at that time.  No sex, and violence was implied on the crime shows but once in a while somebody socked somebody.  The most memorable shows were categorized into game shows, family sit coms, variety  shows, westerns, detective shows and music reviews.  Anyone rememberer Your Hit Parade?  It was so thrilling to see which song would be number one that week and guess who would be singing it.  Chizelle Makzensie, Snooky Lanson?   And remember when Elvis was on the Ed Sullivan show and could only be filmed from the waist up?

    We had such wonderful models for family life.  Adults could be trusted and they gave such good answers when the children had problems or questions,  Marcus Welby showed us that doctors were helpful people and were kind when they talked to us.  Families were intact, siblings were taught to get along and be there for each other.  Fun was part of all family life and there was usually a family pet who brought interesting situations to resolve.  Teen agers worked within the family, helped and held responsibilities,  They belonged so we didn't have to endure the rebellion and anger.

    Another interesting thing about TV during that time was that the commercials were fun.  Most of them had songs and jingles we all memorized.  Often cartoon characters sold things to us. "Use Ajax ,bom bom, the foaming cleanser, bom di di bom bom"  A girl could watch television with her boyfriend without being embarrassed by offensive commercials for things which are better left private.

  But of course, the very best shows were for children.  Howdy Doody helped us laugh and who will ever forget,

  M       I       C       K      E     Y

M        O         U        S         E !

Golf Is Great In The Dominican Republic
Oh, black and white TV!

Comments 2

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Carolyn Williams (website) on Friday, 24 February 2012 18:02

Just in the last year and a half have I realized that much of our family's legacy is now left for me to take care of and pass on to the
next generations---our children and grandchildren. It is important to
me to let them know as much as I can remember, and to tell them what I
remember of our family and extended family . So thankful that I heard
about Living Legacy because it reminded me that I am the last one now
who knows "who is who" in all the old photos.

Just in the last year and a half have I realized that much of our family's legacy is now left for me to take care of and pass on to the next generations---our children and grandchildren. It is important to me to let them know as much as I can remember, and to tell them what I remember of our family and extended family . So thankful that I heard about Living Legacy because it reminded me that I am the last one now who knows "who is who" in all the old photos.
Administrator (website) on Monday, 27 February 2012 17:07

Joyce, you nailed that era perfectly. What a vivid memory!!

Joyce, you nailed that era perfectly. What a vivid memory!!