The Reason Behind My Mother's Name That She Hated

My mother was the tenth child and she too young to argue about her name that she grew up hating all of her life . When she introduced herself at school functions she used her middle name Ruth and all of the family used her nickname “ Sis “. It was always Aunt Sis or just Sis . She was born January  9 1916 in Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas . I guess her mothers bag of names was empty by the time she was born so her mother and father went to the doctor for some idea’s . The doctor told them that Decomus meant ten in Latin and they liked that idea so they named her Decomus  Ruth . I think it’s a very pretty name but my mother didn’t like being  named  “#10”. I guess  I can’t much blame her on that thought .Her Social Security Card even had her middle name on it . When she passed away we knew  we didn’t want her haunting us ,so we decided to just put her first intial on her grave marker and her middle name  . But I have went to some website’s and found that the cemetery had her full name on record and it is on the internet . I hope she doesn’t blame me for that .

Bald Mountain
My Memories Of Grandma Beavers

Comments 4

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Administrator (website) on Monday, 22 August 2011 20:54

Funny how we have no control over our name. Back in her day that name was probably embarrassing while today it would probably be cool!

Funny how we have no control over our name. Back in her day that name was probably embarrassing while today it would probably be cool!
Susan Darbro (website) on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 14:57

Was your mother the tenth child in her family? It's funny that now people WANT to have unusual one-of-a-kind names, whereas in your mom's generation everybody wanted to a usual and customary kind of name, isn't it? My mom almost named me "Mandane" after her grandmother but decided not to because she figured I'd hate it. Actually, I'd have loved it. Maybe your mom feels differently now, do you suppose?

Was your mother the tenth child in her family? It's funny that now people WANT to have unusual one-of-a-kind names, whereas in your mom's generation everybody wanted to a usual and customary kind of name, isn't it? My mom almost named me "Mandane" after her grandmother but decided not to because she figured I'd hate it. Actually, I'd have loved it. Maybe your mom feels differently now, do you suppose?
Charles William Spratt (website) on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 16:58

Yes she was the tenth child in the family. She passed away in 1996 and we decided to put " D.Ruth " on her grave marker but the cemetary has her listed on the internet as Decomus Ruth .

Yes she was the tenth child in the family. She passed away in 1996 and we decided to put " D.Ruth " on her grave marker but the cemetary has her listed on the internet as Decomus Ruth .
Ersula Odom (website) on Friday, 26 August 2011 16:32

Love this. We had an "Aunt Baby" and a Cousin Sinkum. Aunt Baby's name was Lillian and correctly identified when she died. Cousin Sinkum's name was Francis but Sinkum is carved in stone.

Love this. We had an "Aunt Baby" and a Cousin Sinkum. Aunt Baby's name was Lillian and correctly identified when she died. Cousin Sinkum's name was Francis but Sinkum is carved in stone.