My mother was the tenth child and she too young to argue about her name that she grew up hating all of her life . When she introduced herself at school functions she used her middle name Ruth and all of the family used her nickname “ Sis “. It was always Aunt Sis or just Sis . She was born January 9 1916 in Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas . I guess her mothers bag of names was empty by the time she was born so her mother and father went to the doctor for some idea’s . The doctor told them that Decomus meant ten in Latin and they liked that idea so they named her Decomus Ruth . I think it’s a very pretty name but my mother didn’t like being named “#10”. I guess I can’t much blame her on that thought .Her Social Security Card even had her middle name on it . When she passed away we knew we didn’t want her haunting us ,so we decided to just put her first intial on her grave marker and her middle name . But I have went to some website’s and found that the cemetery had her full name on record and it is on the internet . I hope she doesn’t blame me for that .