My First Serious Love was Seriously One-Sided!

 He was very tall. Had dark hair slicked back. And the handsomest boy I had ever met.

In second grade I met a boy named Danny.  He was very tall.  Had dark hair slicked back. And was the handsomest boy I had ever met.  I had a crush on him from afar for months, one day I finally got up the courage to talk to him.  He kicked me in the knee.  I started crying, not because my knee hurt, but for love lost.  The next day Arlo, the boy who sat behind me, cut off the bottom of my ponytail.  I never thought about Danny again.

My First Serious Relationship
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Administrator (website) on Friday, 29 July 2011 16:38

Geez Rachel. Can those guys be any more cruel? The gall to kick someone in the nee just for speaking and to go so far as to cut off a pony tail. OMG!!

I feel like apologizing for my species.

Geez Rachel. Can those guys be any more cruel? The gall to kick someone in the nee just for speaking and to go so far as to cut off a pony tail. OMG!! I feel like apologizing for my species.
Rachel Johnson (website) on Friday, 29 July 2011 17:53

The knee thing wasn't nice. But the ponytail cutting was one of the ways boys in our class did to show you they liked you. He didn't cut off too much. My Mom was more annoyed than I was.

The knee thing wasn't nice. But the ponytail cutting was one of the ways boys in our class did to show you they liked you. He didn't cut off too much. My Mom was more annoyed than I was.
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Saturday, 30 July 2011 03:58

Boys "deviling" girls in grade school was how we let them know we liked them.

Boys "deviling" girls in grade school was how we let them know we liked them.:D
Rachel Johnson (website) on Thursday, 04 August 2011 07:33

That's right. I think that year we all lost at least a little bit of our ponytails.

That's right. I think that year we all lost at least a little bit of our ponytails.