My Fishing Trips

When I was young under thirteen years of age my father decided he wanted take up fishing again like he had done when he was a child . He went and bought all of the neccasary equipment and tackle and with in a few years he knew several good fishing spots . their was Brewers Ponds ; Deep Fork River ; and of course Shawnee and Tecumsuh Lakes . My favorite was Brewers Ponds . My Grandma Beavers would always go with us . She didn't want a rod and reel . She used a long cane pole . She would have my dad put a minnow on the hook for her then she give the line a full swing over the top of her head most of the time slinging the bait to the other side of the pond . After several minutes of not getting a bite she would pull it up and say " Huh ; bait came off " Of course she was in her 80's then and nobody was about to say anything to her about her slinging the bait off . But one time she managed to keep the bait on and she caught a monster of a fish . It was so big that she couldn't lift the pole out of the water , so she just turned around and started walking away and drug the fish onto the bank . I think it must have been about a 3 or 4 pound bass . Then there was the time we went to Deep Fork River and my Grandma Beavers was walking dowm the River Bank towards the river . Now you have to imagine Deep Fork . A bright red water because the dirt around it RED . But my Grandma started down the river bank and fell head first with her bonnet on and stuck her head into the old Deep Fork Red Mud . And you know that old gal got up and still went fishing . 80 years plus old .

My School Memories
How Spoiled Was I

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Administrator (website) on Monday, 25 July 2011 20:56

Grandma Beavers!! I can feel here in my bones. Don't anyone get in the way of old Grandma Beavers. She'll sling you across the pond like loose bait off a hook. Great story!!

Grandma Beavers!! I can feel here in my bones. Don't anyone get in the way of old Grandma Beavers. She'll sling you across the pond like loose bait off a hook. Great story!!
Charles William Spratt (website) on Monday, 25 July 2011 21:23

Millard Don Carriker is my cousin . He is the one that told me about this website . He is 14 years older than me and his memories of old Grandma Beavers is a lot different than my Memories of old Grandma Beavers

Millard Don Carriker is my cousin . He is the one that told me about this website . He is 14 years older than me and his memories of old Grandma Beavers is a lot different than my Memories of old Grandma Beavers