My School Memories

I never attended  Public school.  I attended three different Parochial schools. My first seven years was at St. Charles in Waltham, Mssachusetts.  Eighth grade was at St.Joseph's as my family had moved to the other side of Waltham.

For the ninth grade and two months of the tenth grade I attended St. Mary's High when I had had enough of the Nuns and their favorite students. I loved school but was just an average student.  The lower grades weren't a challenge but when I got to high school my teachers made it very obvious that I was a second rate student. I didn't care for any of the Nuns who were teaching then. There were no Lay teachers. I was so intimidated the last year or so that I decided to quit school. I told my mother and she marched me down to see the Mother Superior and my home room teacher.

As sweet as anything, the (home room ) teacher asked why I wanted to leave and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her it was because or her but I bit my tongue and said I wanted to go to work instead. I was sixteen and I did go to work right away. There is a positive note to this as I feel I received nine years and two months of the best education that I could ever have, and a strong Faith in God comes from being a part of that. I would never encourage any of my grandchildren to quit school as I did and I wish I could turn back the clock.

I have a grandson in a Parochial school down in Fl and it's the best thing in the world for him. Things have changed a lot and he has Lay teachers who are giving him the very best of education without being partial. The students are also taught discipline and respect in a kind way, without humiliation or a ruler striking their knuckles. It didn't happen to me but I witnessed it more than once in one of my class rooms. I feel a little cheated that I haven't a favorite teacher to talk about but I know my children do and I'm so happy about that!

Grandma Beavers Pancakes
My Fishing Trips

Comments 4

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Administrator (website) on Monday, 25 July 2011 20:53

Hey Mum,

Have you told this to me before? I think I knew you didn't finish school but never knew why. This is a serious tragedy and a huge loss. Thanks for sharing it with me. I'm sure the rest of the family will find it quite revealing in a good way. Wow! Who knew?

Hey Mum, Have you told this to me before? I think I knew you didn't finish school but never knew why. This is a serious tragedy and a huge loss. Thanks for sharing it with me. I'm sure the rest of the family will find it quite revealing in a good way. Wow! Who knew?
Millard Don Carriker (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 00:38

Interesting about the nuns. Too bad about them leading you to drop out. I wonder what would've happened if you'd told her (privately) why you were going to? Judging by the quality of your writing you didn't miss too much as far as that goes.

Interesting about the nuns. Too bad about them leading you to drop out. I wonder what would've happened if you'd told her (privately) why you were going to? Judging by the quality of your writing you didn't miss too much as far as that goes.
Charles William Spratt (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 13:39

You may not have a favorite teacher just a memorable teacher . too bad you remember her in that sort of way .

You may not have a favorite teacher just a memorable teacher . too bad you remember her in that sort of way .
Christine Cormier (website) on Monday, 22 August 2011 14:48

Oh how important a devoted teacher is, he or she can make or break a child's spirit. Shame on those who think they can do that and get away with it.
Love ya, Chris

Oh how important a devoted teacher is, he or she can make or break a child's spirit. Shame on those who think they can do that and get away with it. Love ya, Chris