My Parents Corporal Punishment

Before I was thirteen and still living in my hometown our homes were fairly close to each other . My Dad always got home from work about 4:30 PM from the oilfield pipeyard . If I came home from school and the teacher called my mother up before I walked home two and a half blocks from school and told my mother that she had to give me a spanking at school , when I got home ; guess what . My mother dolled me out another spanking . And if I screamed to loud my mother would tell me " Don't tell the neighbors about it " then when my mother got through spanking me she would tell me until my Dad got home "Just wait until your Dad gets home " I always hated to see my Dad's car pull in the drive way . My Dad would give yet a thrid spanking and say " Go out side and play " Needless to say ; He didn't have to tell me twice . Oh my Daddy used the belt also .

After we had moved to the new town where my mother didn't like it I was about 14 . One day my mother ask me real nice like . Charles Carry the trash out . My mother was about 5 Ft 3 Inches tall and I was pushing 6 Ft by then . I pushed her back and said " I don't have to mind you ; you B _ _ _ _ !!!" My mother just happened to be sweeping the floor with a broom made out of broom straw at the time and she didn't waste no time let the top of my head have it with it . I was 49 years old when my mother died and she never had to ask me to carry the trash out again . I moved away 500 miles but every time I would go to visit her I would always ask her " Do you want me to carry the trash out ?" That broom made a beleiver out of me .

And you know what . I'm still breathing . It didn't kill me . What ever happened to coporal punishment in todays world ? 

The Most I Ever Saw My Mama Hurt
Playing with Fire

Comments 2

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Millard Don Carriker (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 00:28

Amen! Charles. I'll bet the percentage of parents who actually abused their kids was far less than one percent. And statistics prove that there is more, and more serious vandalism and general hooliganism today than there was when you were a kid. When I grew up it was just SOP that if you got a whipping (spanked) at school you were gonna get one at home.

Amen! Charles. I'll bet the percentage of parents who actually abused their kids was far less than one percent. And statistics prove that there is more, and more serious vandalism and general hooliganism today than there was when you were a kid. When I grew up it was just SOP that if you got a whipping (spanked) at school you were gonna get one at home.
Administrator (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 17:02

The broom! I can see the surprise on your face. Parents just knew what to do and when to do it.

The broom! I can see the surprise on your face. Parents just knew what to do and when to do it.