The Most I Ever Saw My Mama Hurt

I was in the 8th grade . Didn't hurt for nothing . Had plenty of food . Plenty of clothes . I guess I was just bored . I don't know . Rotten . I was on the way home from school and I stopped in at a small supermarket . I walked around a little while looking things . Running my fingers through my empty pockets . Thinking to myself " Gee I wish I had somne money " I saw some candy that cost a penny . I thought Gee One ain't gone be enough to do any good I'm gone need at least 7 of them . I wonder if I couild stick some in my pockets . I started out the front door of the supermarket and down the front to the end and I heard someone say in a big low voice " HEY BOY " Did you forget something ? I turned around and said I don't know . They said " Did you forget to pay for something ?" They took me back to the office , Called the police . The police came and talked to me . The policeman said " Don't you think you Daddy would buy you 7 cents worth of candy ? " I said " I don't know . " I guess the town was so small that they didn't have a jail so the policeman took me down to the county sheriffs office . They called my mother up and she was no slouch so she had to get all dressed up dress shoes and all and walk ten blocks one way to pick me up . I don't remember what she did when she got me home . But the look on her face was enough to cure me of larceny . 

What did I want to be when I was a teenager...
My Parents Corporal Punishment

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Administrator (website) on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 17:05

This is great Charles. It inspires me to tell my 5-finger discount story. Thanks

This is great Charles. It inspires me to tell my 5-finger discount story. Thanks